I believe it totally inappropriate for any of us armchair quarterbacks to second guess who should have done what by simply watching two poor quality video clips. The only thing I dare say is that I'm glad that I wasn't the one that ended up with deep bacteria filled bleeding holes in my shoulder after being used as a lion chew toy.
Holy shit!!!!!! DG hunting indeed!!!!!!
It is entirely appropriate to comment, that is one of the very reasons for a PHs existence, to ensure things don't go south in a big hurry. It does look like the PH's rifle discharged as he was trying to unlock it, fortunately it was pointing in a safe direction and nobody else got hurt, and he looked to be wearing a handgun on his hip, if so for christ sake draw the fucking thing it and put a bullet in the head of the still moving lion. Sorry but it all looked to be an incompetent fuck up, one I wouldn't be paying a PH for.