It all depends on circumstances - culling in Valley Jess is something completely different from culling in open terrain Lowveld or SA...a PH I hunted with in Zim usually (open terrain) approached the herd alone or with another shooter - both armed with 2 bolt actioned rifles of same design each (.375 H&H Brno or .458 WM M70) accompanied with a gunbearers whose job was to reload an empty rifle asap. Experienced culler dropped a heard of 15 in a minute or so - main job was to locate the matriarh and kill it first, the rest was just slaughter, baby elephants were shot with S&W .44 mag... As of video mentioned above - here is a simillar one (or the same?) - fast forward to min 3:00. I have talked about it with late Ganyana - if memory serves me well culling team was operating in threes - leading gunman that storms the herd (he is doing all the shooting with FN .308 - in video he wears an orange cloth on the back so he is visible) by 2 backup gunmen that are watching his back. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GbwZTtejuhQ As you can see - this stuff has nothing to do with hunting and a very litle with hunting guns - it is a mass destruction with arms designed for War. |