My take on it, with no experience in this area is; When culling I would think you would be firing multiple shots repeatedly. Now this would not be a one off situation. I do not know if doubles are able to take this sort of work over extended periods without shooting loose.
I didn't understand either why a good double rifle would shoot loose when culling elephant ??? Why would it be different to firing a dozen or two shots when hunting herds of feral pigs, or even shooting a round at a BGRC shoot? The barrels do get hot there too.
Well as I said I don't have any experience in that area and was putting forward a reason as well as a question. So if you know that a good, bad or indifferent double (as all types were used) will not shoot loose then please tell us. I know plenty of good shotguns that have shot loose so why would a double not do that?
Yes I do appreciate that there would be a group of people involved in the Cull.