(.700 member)
18/04/15 06:59 PM
Re: Extreme hunter blames Ricky Gervais for death threats

More idiocy ...

Petitioning Facebook
No longer allow photographs of Animals hunted for Trophies to be shared via the global social media, Facebook

Ollie Raison London, United Kingdom

A quick message to hunters. PLEASE READ.
This is not an anti hunting petition. You have a legal right to hunt. What this petition is trying to achieve, is to have facebook acknowledge that certain images are not suitable for social media. This includes glorifying hunting by posing for smiling photos with 'trophies'.

Facebook is a wonderful tool that lets us connect with friends and family by allowing us to share our photos and lives online. However, it is a global network, and quite often, a post liked or shared by a friend will find its way onto your timeline without you having a say whether it should be there.
Based upon this, facebook is rather good at censoring certain images, deleting hate speech and ensuring that what is shared by people will not cause offense to viewers, both willing and unwilling.
However, there is no current removal of photos that have been posted by people that show animals which have been hunted and shot, often just to provide a trophy for the hunter. To scroll through your facebook timeline and be confronted by photos of people smiling whilst holding an animal they have just killed, does not show any respect for the vast amount of people online who do not want to see such images. Often these photos will cause offence and yet messaging the poster or reporting the photo to facebook does nothing to remove the offending image. Without wanting to bring specific individuals into question, there are certain hunting 'celebrities', who will often post images of endangered animals they have shot, or else amazing animals that they have travelled to another country to hunt, purely for the trophy aspect. It is these images we would request that facebook cracked down upon. The trophy hunting of animals for photographic gain.
It should be pointed out, this is not an anti hunting petition. It was not set up by a vegan or vegetarian. It was set up by someone who would like hunters to acknowledge that not everyone finds the pictures they have put up of hunted animals acceptable. Hunting for food is a long standing tradition and this is not a call to stop it.
And as it currently stands, although Facebook allows users to report certain photos, there is currently nothing to allow facebook users to report these particular images, which are incredibly offensive to an awfully large amount of people.
And now we call upon facebook to acknowledge that these images cause great offence and respectfully request that animals hunted for trophies, their images can no longer be loaded onto facebook, unless the privacy settings are very strict.
People should be able to look through their timelines without being confronted by someone smiling whilst they hold up the animal they have hunted.

No longer allow photographs of Animals hunted for Trophies to be uploaded or shared via facebook.

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