So at 50 yards, the accuracy is around 10" composite group. Barrels crossed, and shooting a foot high but a diagonal pattern. Sloppy in my humble opinion. As I reduce the charge, the accuracy improves until I get an amazing composite group. Unfortunately, it comes at the price of miserably low velocity/energy. I have engaged a reputable Zimbabwe outfitter w/solid PHs on staff, so I'm sure they would get me up close and personal at the asking. I really do NOT wish to screw up my 1st shot at DG, hence the question. How well does a .500NE penetrate nasty bone, gristle as the distance grows at the velocities quoted? I have booked a safari, ergo the question. I am loathe to screw up the vital first shot. I apologize for the newbie question, but the DG game is one I've simply not played as yet, so I'm really interested in what good looks like from a velocity/power perspective. Will a 1/2" diameter 570 grain Barnes TSX FB have any appreciable penetration with a possible 1600 FPS / 3600ft/lbs energy impact velocity if I strike at 100 yards. How far should I saw off as maximum?? |