The seven day modern safari needing a 40 day time period as compared to 50 years ago is just mis-direction in my opinion. The amount of animals actually shot, the quotas on a licence were also a hell of lot more generous back then, including numerous cull animals for rations, baits etc. Hell I can remember the days when all culls for lion bait were completely free. No "trophy fee" required for them. The no shooting over water thing has also been pushed a little extreme here IMO. It depends on how many watering points there are. If there are natural water holes spread along a river, or a flowing river, a person would have to be a complete idiot not to take an animal near water if presented. The issue is these fenced properties with scarce watering points, sometimes only one or two. The sporting part of it becomes a little too easy as an animal must approach the only waterhole to drink. Marcel mentioned the feeding issue. I too found that odd at first, not hunting an animal in a feeding area. what the? I thought, not hunting say antelope feeding in a field? Of course one will! But shooting an animal over a stock pellet trough is a big thing different. IMO anyway. |