It seems another client in Zim has managed to shoot his PH, but apparently with even more devastating injuries this time:
.500 NE double, elbow shot
My name is Mark Howland and I am the Father of Anthony who was injured in the accident on Wednesday last week and had to have his right arm amputated as a result.
He was looking for a warthog for his client when the accident happened. I understand the client dropped his weapon while crossing a small stream and the safety failed and resulted in an AD which hit my son in the elbow from behind. The round was a large calibre soft nose and virtually separated the bottom of his arm from the top.
At the time he was about an hour and a half away from his vehicle which was a further hour and a half from the closest airstrip. Under instruction from Anthony, his staff fashioned a stretcher, as well stemming the bleeding and carried him out to his hunting vehicle. He was then driven to the airstrip by his driver. They arrived at the airstrip to be met by a medical air rescue service with a doctor in attendance. He was then flown to Harare and admitted to hospital. His arm was immediately amputated and he was transferred to the hospitals high care unit.
The wound was inspected on Friday and was found to be healing nicely. He has been recovering Quickly and was moved from high care to a general ward on Saturday. Today, Monday he will be having The wound sown up and we hope to have Anthony home later this week.
Many thanks for your time. I hope this slightly fuller account of the accident clears a few things. Kind regards,