Daryl S, I totally agree with you on this. I am used to having an animal crumple at the shot.......but I too stuff up occasionally. It is then that help is sometime required. Better that than have the animal suffer or be lost and pay for him anyway. My ego doesn't like this but it's a fact of life. Better my ego suffer than the animal. Just remember in these Buffalo charge scenes the client has already had a go and the Buffalo ran off and then was followed up. The charge is a result of the clients inability to finish the deal in the first place. The dvd wouldn't sell as well as it does if it showed the majority of kills where the stalk results in a well placed shot and a quick death......well I hope that's the more common result. Everyone going to hunt Cape Buffalo knows that there's a possibility of a charge it's part of the adventure. However Mark comments on how few Buffalo will actually charge even when pressed........once again it dispells the myth and won't contribute to the sale of Buffalo hunts. Sullivan's intervention in the final charge is not only necessary but responsible. When that buffalo breaks that 12' barrier (or whatever the number is) are you telling me that you would not allow Sullivan's input ???? If so I hope he's got your money up front as you'll be dead and he'll either be dead or out of business. He shoots hippo that aren't charging. But in the case of a charging Hippo/Buffalo you can only wait so long "on the trigger" for your client to shoot before you have to "contribute". Sullivan obviously has "balls the size of watermelons" but it would take a superman to wait for the client (who may prove to be neither brave nor accurate) to fire at a charging dangerous animal at the distances of which he speaks. Make no mistake I do not demean the client. Even if they shoot a Big Calibre Double rifle as good as any living person can it would take a brave person to stand to these charges. Few people could put the two together I suggest. Don't take these comments as inferring that I have ever faced a charge from a Cape Buffalo or a Hippo. I have not. |