I've just finished reading "Fear no Death" and watching "Death at my Feet". Though I bought the cheap edition of "Fear No Death" Mark autographed the book for me and I appreciate it as he did not have to. Mark Sullivan is definitely opinionated however, I feel, It is opinion derived from experience. In his book and dvd he spends alot of time explaining/defending why he hunts the way he does. He debunks a hell of a lot of myths associated with hunting Africa's dangerous stuff. Especially the "shoot Buffalo up the nose when they're charging"..........and he has the pictures and witnessess to prove his point of view. I especially like the comment about "if everyone takes a camera on safari why aren't there more pictures of these PH's facing up close charges" (my words......not meant to be a direct quote as I don't have the book in front of me)........it's because they haven't faced the charges. He also relates how difficult it is to get most Buffalo, wounded or not, to charge. Another thing that he mentions is how poorly most clients shoot. This will be an ego buster right here for most "hairy chested types". But he has the experience of alot of clients to base this opinion on. Honestly ask yourself can you regularly hit a tennis ball at 20 yards with your favourite "African cannon" off hand ???? Most guys can't do it with their favourite deer rifle. He is very "in your face" about Binocular bras. But try shooting skeet, "gun down", with your binoculars fixed in the middle of your chest via a binocular bra and see how many times you snag your gun on them............and remember you'll only suffer embarrasment doing this.......think of what you'd suffer in an actual charge situation. He has a very definite "style" or manner about him that wrankles alot of people. But if you get your "Ass out of joint" if everyone doesn't agree with your opinion you'd better get used to living in a cave by yourself because it's not going to happen. Give him his due. He has extensive dangerous game experience. Put all ego asside and watch his dvds (borrow them if you're only going to see 5 minutes of them) read his books and glean from them what you will. But keep and open mind while you do. I have no association with Mark other than buying his books and dvds. I have never met the man and will not profit from these comments. I don't agree with everything he says but understand where he's "coming from". I think his "delivery" is a result of being truly passionate about what he's doing and, given his experience, he'd resent the pure Bullsh*t that's written about a topic he is intimately familiar with. I've just ordered "Death and Double Rifles" and "Greatest Buffalo Charges". Fellas, Ladies, take these comments how you will. Just remember "Free advice is usually worth everything you gave for it". |