Ray, I didn't take it like you were trying to flame me - I knew what you were trying to say - no apology is needed. We're cool. Actually, in my book you get a lot of credit for telling about one of your "bad hair days." Boy, that was a bad hair day for sure - but you are right again about the fact that we all have them but so few will own up to them. I have certainly had my fair share. In fact, I had one yesterday when I was fishing for sharks at the Galveston jetties, and I stuck the back of a finger with a big fish hook trying to get a hardhead catfish off the line. I wasn't paying enough attention, and I ended up having to cut the hook and pass it about 2 inches under the skin toward the nail and then turn it up and poke it out through the skin and pull it out through the new hole. It hurt pretty bad, but I think I felt worse about being so stupid. I got the hardhead back, though. I turned around and used him for bait, and caught a nice bull shark with him! Ha ha ha! When people try to make it out like they have never had a bad hair day - rather than impressing me, which is what they are trying to do, they do the opposite -they make me kind of nervous because I know they are not being entirely truthful. Actually, if you wouldn't mind telling the story, I am curious as to what happened that day that you wounded the 3 animals. Ingwe |