Simon & Kate Roger have developed Safari de Mozambique one the Southern shore of lake Cahorra Bassa. The area can best be described as the 'dogs head' that forms the borders of Mozambique, Zimbabwe and Zambia to the north. The concession is 1 million acres. PH Rob Oliver, who some consider to be one of the best young PH's in Africa today, operates here in conjunction with Simon and Kate. Rob has considerable dangerous came experience and is the only PH I have ever seen that is perhaps a better tracker than the locals! His passion and life is dangerous game hunting. Once Rob knows what you want, expect to be driven to your limits and then some, long days and long miles. 16 hr days, 20-30 km/day on foot are the norm. You will work hard on this one. If you expect easy days on the back of the truck and game from the road then this is not for you. Particularly if you are hunting Elephant and or Buffalo. Rob will never lead or take you to immature animals and will work until you do it the right way. The folks out in Zimbabwe share a similar sense of humor as us Kiwi's. Enjoyed Robs company. Having previously stated I see no reason to hunt in the same place twice as Africa is a big place, I have to eat my words. Im very keen to get back and track Elephant on foot with Rob again. At the end of the day you will work hard, play hard, get blisters on your fee, learn a bit and come away proud with a better than average trophy. |