Gryphon, These two names are the product of one where I used to work before retireing, "MacD37", which was "Mac" short for my last name, "D" for the first initional of my first name, and 37 year of birth! This was required by the company on the their computer system called "SABRE". Since I used this name at work, for buisness, I used another for personal use at home, but had to have the origenal work name, as well, so I could access my company retirement information on "SABRE" after retirement. Most of the private sites I post on I use DUGABOY1, but when I regestered on Saeed's web I accidently used the MacD37 name from habit of 20 years of useing it. When Saeed's website crashed I tried to change it back to DUGABOY1 but it wouldn't let me! So there I'm stuck with the MacD37! Hope this is, at least, as clear as mud! |