I was under the impression that most states charge a tag fee that was reduced for a 'in state' hunter but have to say, I've never hunted the States and am oly going by what I've read in various places...... Regarding tips: Because they're optional it's not something that can be stipulated in a contract other than perhaps something like 'tips at the client's discretion' - Really the best thing for the prospective client can do is ask the outfitter what he suggests as he's researching the hunt. There's no denying though that some outfitters are embarrassed by that question and often give a vague answer. The way we do it is to be completely honest and tell people that tips are discretionary but the norm with our particular company is such and such for that type of hunt in that particular country....... and then leave it to them to make a decision. As part of our service we also send them a copy of our 'Handy Little Hunting Book' that answers that and many other questions and we also direct them to our website where matters are discussed in depth but at the end of the day, it's their decision on whether to tip or not and if they do, how much. I'm not sure but I get an idea the Aussie non tipping culture goes all the way back to the original whites who were sent there, where they decided they were all socially equal and therefore tips were inappropriate......... I get an idea that NZ has a similar policy. Hopefully the Aussies and/or Kiwis will comment further to tell me if I'm right. |