The original ANZAC day ceromony was for the purpose of remembering and honouring those who served and particulalrly those who died in War. I see a disturbing trend for commercialisation sneaking in, with many Australians now equating ANZAC day with the sporting (footbal) competitions that use the name. These games only became part of the "ANZAC Tradition" in the past 20 years, while the ANZAC Day service dates back to 1916. Interestingly, by the time sport became an important part of the day the games had been bought and payed for by big media, who seek any opertunity to increase profits. Traditionaly ANZAC Day has been a public holiday, celebrated on the 25th of April. Unlike other Australian public holidays, ANZAC day never saw an alternate day off provided when it fell on a weekend, due to the importance of the day, the date, and the meaning behind the ceremonies, it was always celebrated on the day. This year teachers demanded and got the Monday off for ANZAC Day because it fell on a Saturday. Australians have always had a tendancy to gamble, and under the stresses and boredom of war this became something of an obsession. Australia's game of choice was 2-up, played by fliping two coins from a flat wooden stick. Bets are taken on the coins landing the same way up (evens) or showing one head one tail (odds). The coins (traditionaly two pennies) were marked with a cross on one side to make it easier for those watching and making side bets to see the result. This game was illegal, but was permited on ANZAC day some years ago. Since that time it has moved from a game largely run by the crowds to an organised game that increases the profits of those venues running it, usualy hotels and clubs. The profits from other gambling such as horse racing has also increased. In the past much of the profit was used in organising and running the day, now it seems to be more of a profit making excersise. I am glad to see more people participating, but worry that it may become just another excuse for organisations to make profits while groups of hanger-on-ers use it as an excuse to get drunk and act in anti-social ways. . |