Quote: Some you can, some you can't and some are a bit of a grey area. I carry one (40 S&W) where I'm permitted to and I also dress for a Leopard track. I wear jeans, a leather motorcycle jacket and a shamargh. Might not look the full ticket and it's hotter n hell, but at least it'd give me some protection. I've only ever got nailed by a Leopard once in my life and that was only a few deep scratches down one forearm, but I've gotta tell you it doesn't just hurt, it FUCKING HURTS! and it doesn't stop doing that for weeks and weeks and so I'll take any protection I can get nowadays. Of course, the best way to avoid getting beaten up by Mr Spots is to have the client shoot straight in the first place and the second best way is to shoot straight during the follow up....... and I've gotta tell you, that charge in the video is slow compared to some. At night esp, you have one chance and one chance only to get a shot off and even if you do connect, the bloody thing can land on top of you if you're not careful. Incidentally, even a dead cat can be dangerous because of all the nasty things they carry, so after you've done the hero pic bit with him on your shoulders etc, make a point of washing your hands before you climb in the truck and shower well (preferably with dog shampoo) as soon as you can afterwards. |