well unless this " past president of SABBA and the next incoming president of PHASA " is a licensed PH in Zimbabwe, then he's still 'bending' the rules to meet his personal needs. or his clients are being charged thousands extra for him to accompany them for a safari outfitted by Zimbabwean companies, which is the normal practice for the 'honest' unlicensed South African outfitters hunting in Zim. in fairness, some clients are ok with that in the interest of expediency. either way, the elephants are getting screwed.
You can read into it 10 ways from Sunday. If you re Read my last post he is arranging the trip not guiding it. They have partners in Zim that they have been hunting with for many years. There is no funny business here. You know, now that I think about it I'm not sure why I'm arguing with you regarding this trip. I going and am just trying offer an opportunity to other's if they want to tag along. These Elephants are raiding crops thus making them PAC. As you can see plainly in the photos below they are in CORN fields within Villages surrounded by local natives. This is why they are on PAC permits... The offer stands but it looks like they are down to only 2 tags left.