Per my statement--some additional info on the hunt. Got to the area via charter on Tuesday--one day later than planned--Joberg has a serious problem loading the guns on the planes to Harare.. Took along a custom in .416 caliber--loaded with Barnes solids and 400 Gr Swift A-Frames--light rifle was a HS Precision in 300 Ultra-mag loaded with 200 gr A-Frames--chronographed at 3170 fps. Went out looking for a hippo the next day--found several but not approachable because of various factors--found one all by himself..made the stalk--but he was only coming up partially for air and then back down..the PH, Ian Gibson, decided to walk closer--then while coming up Ian would make some noise which would allow a quick shot opportunity..the hippo come up and I got off a quick side-on brain shot--we later retrieved the hippo and set out the following morning to hang baits for lion..while heading out a bull elephant decided to give a brief but intense chase to the cruiser we were in..lots of elephant in the area--we were either charged or mock charged 8 times while there... We tracked lion several times while checking baits..one afternoon we got within 24 yards of two adult female lions feeding on a kill--we kept staring looking for a male--one female finally snarled a bit and they mover off..no male with them.. On day five while checking the lion baits we come to the last bait of the day --while approaching two adult male lions we heading off the bait--we drove by and headed down the road--then hiked back and went to an existing blind that had been used in previous hunts...we notice one was in brush lying behind the bait--he moved out into the clearing after about 15 minutes..I took a slightly quartering to me shot with my 416..hit the on shoulder and coming to rest under the skin on the off side--he dropped to the shot and rolled a bit --he died very quickly..estimated to be around 6 to 7 years old...the bullet weighed 322 grs--retaining about 80%..and an excellent mushroom as well. Next was croc..so we set baits for them--after 4 hours --checking the bait--17 crocs were in the area--next day --24--but none over 12 feet--on the 3rd day--several larger were feeding--we crept to the bank on the river--as the largest one took a bite and paused a bit--I fired--getting a good side-on brain shot--he was in about 1 1/2 feet of water but with the brain hit actually pushed himself further on land..he was just over 13 feet.. Later that day I was told a tuskless and leopard were available on quota should I decide to hunt them--we took them up and proceeded looking for both..on the way out later that afternoon we spotted some zebra--were able to get within about 165 yards --fired the 300--he ran about 60 yards and tipped over--zebra is excellent lion/leopard bait --so the game was on.. We hung leopard baits as well as looking for fresh spoor for both elephant and leopard..the following afternoon while checking some elephant spoor we saw a bushbuck come out to drink-I was carrying the .416 as we were looking for elephant--took the shot whick later ranged out at 204 yards--he dropped -measured just over 15"..very nice buck.. The next day we picked up some elephant spoor and took off after them--after about an hour we noticed really fresh dung on the trail..very shortly after we found a bull about 70 yards ahead--he turned to face us as the wind had switched..he was in musk..then on he came--we moved off a bit but he kept coming--so we moved off a bit more..still coming--so we split up and increased our pace..we were just all coming to a stop as the bull apparently picked up the scent and stopped when the game scout fired a shot over our heads and over the elephants head with his AK-47--which was totally unnecessary --the PH really ripped him over that..about mid day we found a herd of around 20 at a watering hole--they quickly moved off but were very upset with our presence..we gave chase,,however, they split into more than one group and were going absolutely mad..pulling out brush and small trees--running around and screaming--the PH said this is not a good situation and we left...he later stated he had never seen elephants that agitated in his 24 year of guiding..might be poachers in the area which we found later was indeed the case.. Finally with about 1 hour of light left we got into another herd..as we moved forward --the wind switched a bit and a tuskless cow moved towards us..we were kneeling behind some brush..at 14 yards I fired a solid for a frontal brain shot--she fell to the shot--but the others were soon there to inspect..they stood around briefly and then moved off..screamed a bit more and it was over--I had just shot my first elephant--and yes, it is really addicting... All the meat was cut up and will be used for the parks department employees.. Now we were on to being very serious on leopard..several baits were being hit, however all by females..I sat in a blind 3 different times watching females feed..very cool..one day while checking we had one growl at us in the brush at less than 40 yards.. On the 3rd day of leopard hunting we were walking into a blind to check what was feeding..while walking less than 200 yards we heard a loud but brief roar behind us..no one really knew what had happened until in the light --returning to the vehicle we found that what we heard was 2 adult female lions had killed a yearling cape buffalo between us and our vehicle while walking into the blind...intense ... Day 4 a male track showed up on a bait--he had eaten most of the hind quarter of the impala in the tree..I shot another and we hung it beside the other one--went into the blind at 3:30--around 5:45 he showed up just as it was getting dark..Ian stated I should take him..I fired the 300 and he dropped ..had my first leopard... We then decided to bait hyena..on the second morning while walking to the bait..we were charged by a tuskless cow at 15 yards--we both hit her with our flashlights and yelled..she stopped at about 8 yards..turned and went the other way with her calf..the hyena hunt was now over for the day.. that experience however was well worth the price of admission.. The third morning..hyena on the bait--which I took with the 300...on the way back to camp..we checked a watering spot we had seen Eland water before--low and behold--several cows and one bull were heading our way--we did a quick stalk--I fired an off hand shot with the 300--he ran about 40 yards and tipped over--right at 37'...a very nice bull... The remaing time we spent floating the Zambezi and fishing for tiger...an unreal trip.. The entire hunt was filmed and will be aired over 3 to 4 different segments on the OUTDOOR CHANNEL for the 2009 season... Thanks Ripp |