Part of an e-mail I received today from Taxidermy Enterprises regarding some trophies that I am expecting from Zimbabwe. Looks like things might take some time...
....Unfortunately we are unable to ship any trophies out at the moment. On 1st March 2008, Zimbabwe National Parks advised us not to submit any further applications for CITES export permits as the new permits had not yet been finalized and accepted by the CITES Secretariat in Switzerland. These new export permits have now been approved and the computer software for this has been installed on National Parks’ new computer. As no permits have been issued for the past two months, you will appreciate that there is now an enormous backlog and it will take a bit of time for National Parks to catch up. Permits are trickling out at the moment as the staff are taking some time to get used to the new permit. It is very different from the old one, but a much more professional document and they are experiencing a few teething problems. At present we are working with National Parks to try and get these resolved as quickly as possible. We kindly ask you to bear with us whilst this backlog at National Parks is being dealt with.
We sincerely apologise for any inconvenience caused, but as you can see from the above the delay is beyond our control.
I will be in touch.
Kindest regards,
Taxidermy Enterprises (Pvt) Limited
15 Falcon Street
Web Site:
Tel: 263-9-474693, 476196, 469779, 470334/5
Fax: 263-9-476197, 478846
If I hadn't bothered having TE make a few gunslips out of elephant hide, I could have gotten all my stuff long ago, before this problem came along. However, although this delay is irritating, I suspect that things will work out in the end.
I'm sure I'm not alone here at NE in having trophies stuck in Zim at the moment, but I guess we'll just have to be patient, and cross our fingers in the meantime.