(.700 member)
24/02/04 11:09 AM
Does Jo'burg airport suck?

I was wondering from more recent travellors whether the Departures Hall at Johannesburg International Airport still has the "weigh-in" counter at the main entrance?

When there in September 2002 I was surprised to find at the main entrance a counter filled with goons whose only purpose is to weigh your bags and extort money out of travellors.

Your bags are weighed well before you ever get to an airline "service" counter and if you are over the limit you are sent to an airport payments office to pay for the excess baggage weight.

Everywhere else in the world I have been too the airline itself does the weighing and because a lot of airlines have a customer friendly service attitude they waive any fee if it is not too excessive. They understand repeat business and service, and that goodwill from the customer is important.

Fro example the Australian carrier QANTAS one of the best and certainly most safest airlines in the world didn't even bat an eye at my baggage weight and never mentioned it. They understood I was carrying an extra bag with a firearm and ammo, plus camera gear, binoculars etc. They also understood I would probably use them again.

Not so Jo'burg airport, they want to piss off their "customers" from the minute they walk in the door. By the way this was the SAME return flight as the flight over.

Does anyone know who actually gets this money? It wasn't the airline collecting it, who after all has to carry the luggage. It was the bloody airport. I can't remember them ever taking down the airline or ticket details, just writing out a slip for the weight to take to the payments office. Of course I did get a receipt.

The charge was US$230 by the way and as you can see I certainly do remember it. Not much about the airport except the ridiculous charge. If I could avoid flying out of Jo.burg airport again I would. Previously I was able to fly direct to and from Harare airport and never had these problems.

PS Had I been American the fee would have been nil as I would have had an increased luggage weight allowance.

24/02/04 11:50 AM
Re: Does Jo'burg airport suck?

Wrong-o John, Mike Detorre and I got nailed last year by those thugs for several hundred bucks. I cursed SAA out when I got home about it too, they claim they will charge that if you do not have a straight through ticket. Their way of screwing you royal.

(.275 member)
24/02/04 12:22 PM
Re: Does Jo'burg airport suck?

Ann, what do you mean by a straight through ticket ??? I was just checking air fares a few days ago. Northworst (KLA) goes from Detroit to Amsterdam to Jo'burg. Do you mean you can avoid the fees if Northworst tickets your fare on through flights from there even if they are on SAA ?

(.450 member)
24/02/04 02:53 PM
Re: Does Jo'burg airport suck?

Go to and check it out. It's all posted there. It really bites the big one!

(.400 member)
24/02/04 03:43 PM
Re: Does Jo'burg airport suck?

They're a real pain in the ass about it, but if you join their voyager club you get an extra 10kgs of baggage weight free which helps a little.

24/02/04 07:21 PM
Re: Does Jo'burg airport suck?

They give all that money to the PH.Thats is why the PH linger around the airport after his client left .

No just kidding...........I know it is a crock'o'shit and it feels unfair.Have no idea where the money is going.

I'm going to Zambia and Kenia in May and see if there is any changes.

(.450 member)
24/02/04 11:25 PM
Re: Does Jo'burg airport suck?

If someone just joined the club, and they have no miles credited yet, there is no extra allowance at the lowest level. It also looks like they reevaluate your level every year on Dec. 31st to see how many miles you flew that calander year. I won't be flying on SAA this year at all, so I'll have zero mile, hence no extra allowance for weight. It sucks!

(.400 member)
25/02/04 01:23 AM
Re: Does Jo'burg airport suck?

Looks like you pay for the privelege to hunt in Africa one way or the other. I guess when I see "other charges may be incurred" will definitely hold another meaning for me.

(.700 member)
25/02/04 02:37 AM
Re: Does Jo'burg airport suck?

OK the airport isn't that bad. I just hate the weigh in desk at the entrance.


unfortunately SAA and QANTAS have a deal where you buy in Australia a QANTAS ticket and you may end up flying SAA or QANTAS depending on your luck or otherwsie.

SAA is OK and actually had back of seats TV monitors so you could choose your own movie. Being a movie nut I usually watch movies the whole there and back rather than sleep which is really stupid. SAA had a good system of starting the video on takeoff but not "broadcasting" it to the seats until they have finished their safety song and dance routine, then you get to watch the movie maybe 20 minutes into it. . You get to watch the beginning 8 hours later though if you are lucky.

They did try to hit me for excess baggage in Vic Falls (to Jo'burg) too but the PH was standing a few metres away and argued with the check in dude and convinced him not to charge anything.

It can be really hard to carry about 20 kg of stuff only (usually you can push it to 26-27 kgs for checked in luggage and get away with it) if you are carrying a rifle, ammo, bicoculars, SLR camera, long lens (my camera stuff porbably weights about 7 kgs alone), boots, gun case, rucksack etc. Especially if you carry too much stuff like me. I usually only finish packing around 4am the morning before the flight at 7 or 8 am. Really well organised too.

Next time I want to take a double plus the .375 so weight will be a real issue, the rifles, ammo and gun case will probably be around 14 kgs alone. I'll have to be like "BigFive" and wear only shorts to cut down on weight. But all those thorns. Ouch!

Another way to get to Africa is via Singapore or India if you want to add 10 (or more!) hours to the flight. I though definitely avoid Singapre, Hong Kong even Bangkok if you are travelling with firearms as I have heard too many nasty stories even if all the right documentation was organised.

A funny story.

I was flying back from Harare (QANTAS) in 1994 through Jo'burg (stop-off only to pickup more passengers) and we had this really 'gay' Australian steward ponching around in our area.

Lucked out on that flight as the other stewardess was a 'mother hen' clucking around. Oh for those beautiful graceful ladies of Malaysian, Thai or Cathay Pacific flights.

In Jo'burg the Aussie Rugby team got on board to fly home from playing in South Africa and there were a few sitting around us including one sitting right beside the 'gay' steward (for take off and landing and during 'rest' parts of the flight).

With the team on board the steward's voice dropped several octaves, and became quite deep, he stopped swinging his hips and his wrists straigthened up.

It was quite funny, but still not believable.

(.400 member)
25/02/04 04:22 AM
Re: Does Jo'burg airport suck?

Mike, funny you should say that about no extra baggage allowance until you rack up some miles..... the paperwork they have just sent me said you get it straight away, but maybe that's just for SA residents...... I'll try to find out more.......

for those of you travelling out of JIA and don't want to wait around the departure lounge you can go to the Premier Club Lounge. (turn right as you come out of passport control, walk to the end of the lounge, up the escelator and turn left) They charge a few dollars and have comfortable seats, showers, free snacks, tea coffee and booze.

25/02/04 05:44 AM
Re: Does Jo'burg airport suck?

A through ticket means you don't stop and do any hunting in RSA before going to Zim and back. So next time I will have to fly straight to Zim and then hunt in RSA after.


(.275 member)
25/02/04 06:39 AM
Re: Does Jo'burg airport suck?

So it's ok to have a International lay over in Jo'burg or will you fly directly into zim from Amsterdam or elsewhere ?

(.450 member)
25/02/04 08:03 AM
Re: Does Jo'burg airport suck?

What about layovers? My flight from JFK gets in too late to catch the flight to Windhoek that afternoon, so I have to overnight in Jo'burg.

(.400 member)
25/02/04 09:01 AM
Re: Does Jo'burg airport suck?

The Jo'burg airport has small sleeping rooms within the airport for layover passengers that don't have to clear customs. I didn't find this out my first trip until 14 hours into my 15 hour layover.

(.700 member)
25/02/04 09:55 AM
Re: Does Jo'burg airport suck?

In reply to:

Jo'burg airport has small sleeping rooms within the airport for layover passengers that don't have to clear customs.

Aah, very useful information.


(.400 member)
25/02/04 10:06 AM
Re: Does Jo'burg airport suck?

L2S, are they charging you for the room? If so, how much. I should think that it would be a nominal one at that.

(.700 member)
25/02/04 10:13 AM
Re: Does Jo'burg airport suck?


Thanks also for the info on the Premier lounge and also the club.

If the extra baggage allowance is possible that would be great. As SAA is a partner airline (I think) with QANTAS I wonder if a QANTAS club membership would work as well.

10 kgs is a good extra amount if one is carrying hunting gear.

(.400 member)
25/02/04 10:22 AM
Re: Does Jo'burg airport suck?

The last time I was there they were about $27.00 sleeping in the lobby area!!

(.400 member)
25/02/04 11:53 AM
Re: Does Jo'burg airport suck?

I agree and it's cheap. For the hassle you go through, it should be free.

(.400 member)
25/02/04 12:19 PM
Re: Does Jo'burg airport suck?

That airport is the worst cluster f..k I have even seen. Welcome to majority rule...My next visit will take me to is it there???

(.400 member)
25/02/04 01:52 PM
Re: Does Jo'burg airport suck?

Pseudo-Socialism at work. NOT!!!!!

(.400 member)
25/02/04 02:58 PM
Re: Does Jo'burg airport suck?

That's the whole problem...not which race, or is the everyone gets their bite attitude, and everyone is doing more than just nibbling there at the Jo'burg airport.

Avoid it if possible, but don't let it stop you from going to RSA! I love the country and people...and the hunting!

(.400 member)
25/02/04 03:08 PM
Re: Does Jo'burg airport suck?

Nitro, you'd be one of first guys that I'd let know.

(.700 member)
26/02/04 04:27 PM
Re: Does Jo'burg airport suck?

Talking about airports, not Africa this time. In Melbourne I was flying back to Adelaide having flown over for the day to pick up three firearms from a gunsmith.

I had told the airline (QANTAS) I would have three firearms on the return flight when buying the tickets and also when flying over.

Coming back they sprung yet another little bureaucratic idiocy that now you have to contact or email a specif person and get permission in writing before flying with a firearm.

Any way they weren't too bad about and the girl at the counter made a phone call or spoke to her supervisor and away we went. By the way the gun case was over weight but agin no excess charges just an overweight sticker to let the baggage handlers know handling this bag may get them a free holiday with workcover if they play their cards right.

After everything was organised the service counter girl said to me she had always wanted to try shooting as a sport! So I chatted to her about it for a couple of minutes but there were lots of other passengers waiting.

With hindsight I regret not giving the girl a business card to contact me later if she really wanted to try. I probably couldn't invited her to a shoot as I'm not in Melbourne much but maybe a local could have.

I think we really need to take up people like this when they express and interest. Having friends to our sports all over the place can't hurt us. Imagine if this girl with a simple job on the service counter became a shooter. Every shooter who used her counter might just have a simpler 'ride' in the future, not to mention 'goodwill' effects of her sport on her co-workers.

If we all recruited just one shooter per year, it would have a very large multiplier effect overtime. Even if many never took up the sport, the goodwill factor would also be positive.

(.450 member)
27/02/04 03:31 AM
Re: Does Jo'burg airport suck?

Ann, I'm still checking this out, but as I understand it, if the first leg of your flight originated in the U.S. we fall under the piece rate, vs. weight limit, and this is supposed to be for all legs of the trip, including the return flight. Do you know anything about this. Perhaps Kathi could help us out here. I'd be interested to know what she has to say.

(.400 member)
27/02/04 05:49 AM
Re: Does Jo'burg airport suck?

I'll be calling Steve at Gracy Travel today about my pending trip to RSA. I will ask him what he knows...

(.700 member)
27/02/04 10:29 AM
Re: Does Jo'burg airport suck?

Mike and L2S

You Yanks are probably OK. You get a higher luggage weight allowance than other nationalities.

If I remember right you get around 70 lbs which is roughly 30 kgs. The rest of us get 20 kgs which is about 50 lbs.

This was confirmed to me as I love to have useless, pointless and impossible to win arguments. I asked them if I was American would my luggage be overweight and they confirmed NO, but it didn't apply in my case and there was nothing they could do about it. "The payment office is over there >."

For some reason historically Americans flying internationally have always had different rules. Probably some early international airline agreement.

This may be a trade-off however for the terrible service you get (and all passengers) when flying on an American airline (That's a joke by the way, but sorry also true and I have flown on at least 30 different airlines from almost as many different countries ).

PS To salve any upset feelings, some national self-criticism. Australia USED to have the absolute worst service, airline attitudes in the world. Especially with regard to luggage. We had a 'duopoly" (ie a dual monopoly) two airline industry and they agreed on all prices, flight times etc so absolutely no competition. One was government owned too. They used to weigh ALL cabin bags and ALL bags had to be put in the little size measuring frames. Almost any weight over the max'm was charged for. All "competing" flights left with 5 minutes of each other then gaps of hours. Prices were very very high and a decade or more later the prices still haven't got back to where they were. I once wrote an economic thesis on the airline industry and its lack of competition, excessive airline safety concerns vs price and competition etc.

Now they are much better.

(.300 member)
27/02/04 11:15 AM
Re: Does Jo'burg airport suck?


No harm in the truth, I agree with you the American airlines in my experience are desperately lacking as far as service goes. I fly at the very least once a month and many times much more often most of my flights are in the continental US but I still fly internationally enough until very recently to go through a passport a year worth of international stamps.

I find the English airlines the best in service and overall experience though oddly enough short of the British Airways Concord god rest her sole and Virgin airlines first class service Air Jamaica is one the nicest I have flown. I have not had the pleasure of an Aussie airline to date something I hope to remedy next year, and this will be my first trip on SAA though I suspect being an offshoot of a American liner it will fair no better.

I do feel much safer on an American flight though in terms of crash safety with the British liners being about equal anything other I have crash safety in the back of my mind.

James F. Nixon III

(.700 member)
27/02/04 11:55 AM
Re: Does Jo'burg airport suck?

In reply to:

I do feel much safer on an American flight though in terms of crash safety with the British liners being about equal anything other I have crash safety in the back of my mind.

I "liked" Kenyan Airlines where a passenger and the staff let a kid play with the door handles on the emergency exit door trying to open it. This was at 30,000 feet by the way!


I did like SAS (Scandanavian Airlines) for the pretty blonde hostesses and the warm buns they served

Malaysian and Thai Airlines for the pretty petite hostesses.

Cathay Pacific for the lovely Chinese ladies.

See I'm not hard to please .

(.400 member)
27/02/04 01:08 PM
Re: Does Jo'burg airport suck?

Warm buns? 98.6 F? Nice and round and firm? Huh,huh?

(.224 member)
28/02/04 08:30 AM
Re: Does Jo'burg airport suck?

I was sent a e-mail to check out this forum that there were questions for me. So I joined.

I hope this helps.

A through ticket means your tickets has all your travel destinations in one ticket set
example ATL/JNB/VFA/JNB/ATL coupons 1 through 5 Is considered a set. You can have layovers to do your hunting.

If you have separate tickets for a flight, example you used miles for the ATL/JNB/ATL Then purchased your other flights on separate tickets, this is where they can charge you.
What you can do is call SAA or have your travel agent connect your flights together so at the airport they would give you a "set of tickets" when you check in at ATL/JFK
This information is from SAA airlines.

Your weight for luggage cannot exceed 70 lbs
It doesn't matter if you join the Voyager unless your are at a Platinum status


(.400 member)
28/02/04 10:38 AM
Re: Does Jo'burg airport suck?


One's guns were once exempt from the 70 lb limit. Are they now counted in that limit?

(.450 member)
28/02/04 10:58 AM
Re: Does Jo'burg airport suck?

luv2safari-try emailing Kathi for a quicker response, then please post her reply here. Thanks.

(.700 member)
28/02/04 01:39 PM
Re: Does Jo'burg airport suck?

Guns in Australia at least have always been part of the 20 kg limit. They do allow a little "licence" in having two cases instead of the required one checked bag though (obviously as ammo and firearms have to be kept separate).

The USA of course may be different. Eg I have seen reference to two bags allowing to be checked as standard.

(.224 member)
28/02/04 02:05 PM
Re: Does Jo'burg airport suck?

You are allowed 2 peices of luggage and your fire arms/gun case is one of them......thay do not weigh it

From their web site:


Please note that the maximum size and weight of any baggage article that can be processed as checked baggage is as follows:
Size: 450x720x900mm
Weight: 45 Kg
Any article large than the above must be processed through Cargo.


Applicable on the services of SA Airways, SA Express and SA Airlink.
N.B. This Baggage Policy for SA Express & SA Airlink is always subject to confirmation at the time of departure.

Applicable on South African Airways, SA Express and SA Airlink
First Class - 40 kg (only when available)
Business Class - 30 kg
Economy Class - 20 kg
Infants : First, Business and Economy Class - 10 kg

CARD HOLDERS (South African Airways only)

Chief Executive - select extra 30 kg
Platinum - Extra 30 kg
Gold - Extra 20 kg
Silver - Extra 10 kg
Blue - 0 Extra


* Between Accra / Abidjan / Addis Ababa / Dakar / Dar Es Salaam / Entebbe / Kigali / Kinshasa / **Lagos / Luanda /Lusaka/ Maputo / *Mumbai / Nairobi and South Africa/WDH via JNB
First Class - 40 Kg
Business Class - 40 Kg
Economy Class - 30 Kg
Infants: First, Business and Economy Class - 10 Kg.

*When a journey begins in Mumbai - Normal baggage allowance applicable in both directions.
Infants: First, Business and Economy Class - 10 Kg.

**Journey originating LOS for travel LOS to JNB OR LOS to HKG via JNB only (Not Applicable on SA1000, SA 7000 & SA8000 series).
First Class - 60 Kg
Business Class - 50 Kg
Economy Class - 40 Kg
Infants: First, Business and Economy Class - 10 Kg.

* Between Dubai and South Africa (SA Code-share Flights)
First Class - 50 Kg
Business Class - 40 Kg
Economy Class - 30 Kg
Infants: First, Business and Economy Class - 10 Kg.

* Between Comores and South Africa
Economy Class - 15 kg
Infants: First, Business and Economy Class - 7 Kg
(Also applicable for Cards Holders - No Exceptions).

N.B. Within Australia, baggage weighing more than 32 kg will not be accepted for carriage, unless the additional baggage weighing more than 32 kg is transported in a separate bag.

Please note that the maximum size and weight of any baggage article that can be processed as checked baggage is as follows:
Size: 450x720x900mm
Weight: 45 Kg
Any article larger than the above must be processed through Cargo.

For through journeys where the passenger travels partly in First / Business class and partly in Business / Economy class, the free baggage allowance for each portion of the trip shall be that applicable to the class of service for which the fare is paid.

Exception: A passenger paying a through First / Business class will be entitled to the baggage allowance for First / Business class even when accommodated in a lower class of service.

Involuntarily rerouted passengers will receive the free baggage allowance applicable to the class of service for which tickets were originally issued, even when such passenger are subsequently transferred to a different class of service.


10 kg of checked baggage permitted.

When an infant is carried in either a carry cot or carry seat, a baby holder including bedding, napkins, feeding bottles and sufficient food for the journey may be carried, free of charge, provided the total mass excluding the infant does not exceed 12 Kg.

When an infant is carried without the use of the aids as mentioned above, carriage is free of charge, provided the total mass, excluding the infant, does not exceed 10 Kg.

(.700 member)
28/02/04 02:08 PM
Re: Does Jo'burg airport suck?


Welcome to the forums.

You are welcome here and especially in helping our North American based members with info for their travel arrangements.

I tried to interest some Aussie travel agents to setup a specialised African safari service but while they were good at what they did, so far unfortunately no deal.

PS You Yanks have a fantastic deal if you can put a gun case on a plane unweighed!

(.224 member)
28/02/04 02:17 PM
Re: Does Jo'burg airport suck?

Introducing The Premier Club Lounges to all travelers.

In conjunction with The Nelson Mandela Bay Tourism
Bureau and the Port Elizabeth Regional Chamber of Commerce and Industry we
are proud to introduce our unique
Premier Club Lounges to you.
All passengers are welcome regardless of choice of airline,
class of travel, or any Airline Frequent flyer program.
This "pay facility Lounge" is available to those who do not
have access to Airline First or Business class Lounges. The Premier Club.
There is also a nominal charge (aprox $19.00 U.S. ) for a one off visit should you want to enjoy the comfort of these Lounges prior to your Domestic or International flights.
The Lounges are situated in Johannesburg Domestic
and International Departure halls, Cape Town Domestic and International
Departures as well as Durban & Port Elizabeth Domestic Departures halls.
All Lounges offer the following facilities designed
for your comfort:
* Refreshments, Full Bar, Soft Drinks, Teas & Coffees, Light
Breakfasts & Snacks, Chips, Peanuts, Rusks & Biscuits
* Magazines & Daily Newspapers
* Internet, E-Mail, DSTV & Laptop plugs
* Reception Services - Public telephones & All flight
* Shower facilities - Hairdryers - Razor connection - Towels Shampoo &
Soap ( Except Port Elizabeth)
* Smoking Lounge
* Kiddies Corner & Baby Change, Paraplegic Toilets & Wheelchair
friendly access

The best of all - peace and quiet from the hectic departure halls

All Diners Credit card holders have the privilege of free access to The
Premier Clubs.

Any additional information contact


(.224 member)
03/03/04 12:53 AM
Re: Does Jo'burg airport suck?

Is the Premier Club the same as Rennies?

03/03/04 01:35 AM
Re: Does Jo'burg airport suck?


My gun case ALWAYS gets weighed. I have had to do some last minute shuffling of contents too!

(.224 member)
03/03/04 02:09 AM
Re: Does Jo'burg airport suck?

Rennies is the agency that owns it but the name of the locations in the airports that you need to go to is called The Premier Club.


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