(.275 member)
18/09/17 11:37 PM
"Nothing goes to waste" - what about you?

Most of the general public believes somehow that a trophy hunter takes only the antlers and leaves the meat.

Most people who hunted in Africa claim all meat is handed over to the local population, and consumed gratefully.

But how about hunters themselves? Where do you draw a line between eating at least a prime cut from your kill, and saying no, thanks. Would you/did you eat a zebra? an ostrich? croc? buff? hippo? warthog?

(.700 member)
19/09/17 03:44 AM
Re: "Nothing goes to waste" - what about you?

I eat what I shoot - except for gophers, (commonly known as sage rats) crows & ravens(farm land - eye-ball stealing bastards).

None of those have worthwile horns or antlers, but I still shoot them. The trophy is in "the numbers" for bragging rights. My best is 2,500 "rats" in 7 days. Some days were much better than others.

The foxes, coyotes, ravens, crows and other gophers eat the dead ones. Nothing wasted - lol.

(.577 member)
19/09/17 04:07 AM
Re: "Nothing goes to waste" - what about you?


Most of the general public believes somehow that a trophy hunter takes only the antlers and leaves the meat.

Most people who hunted in Africa claim all meat is handed over to the local population, and consumed gratefully.

But how about hunters themselves? Where do you draw a line between eating at least a prime cut from your kill, and saying no, thanks. Would you/did you eat a zebra? an ostrich? croc? buff? hippo? warthog?

I have eaten pretty much everything I have shot in Africa..including the last hunt where we ate the bone marrow out of the bones of eland and roan in Cameroon..Have eaten lion, leopard, elephant, buffalo, croc, hippo, zebra, etc...

and YES, they do NOT waste anything in my experiences..


(.275 member)
19/09/17 04:43 AM
Re: "Nothing goes to waste" - what about you?

A PH I know says if you want to taste elephant, fry a piece of a car tire and chew on it... does that ring with your experience Ripp?

(.700 member)
21/09/17 03:13 PM
Re: "Nothing goes to waste" - what about you?

One PH in Zimbabwe made a big noise and show, saying "Whatever you want to eat, we can do it." I said I love guineafowl. - In fact the best roasts I have ever had were guineafowl.

He replied, "ah no, they are too tough."

Ha ha in Africa where guineafowl are a dozen under any bush. But I guess the wild ones can be any age, where a roast in a pub in England is probably from a farm.

Another time I made a special request. As I was hunting elephant, I wanted to eat elephant one night. Again "oh they are too tough." They did provide us with some savoury slivers of biltong at the bar one night.

In Africa nothing is wasted. The blacks will ask to eat a kudu cow found in a snare which was more than ripe. We had taken it back to camp as the PH wanted to hang it for leopard bait for the next client. But the trackers make a request to use it for their dinner. Tough stomachs!

In Australia we have had an abundance of feral game. Which are often and usually considered pests and damaging to the environment or to stock feed. So in the past, I was only thinking of these past days this week and wishing for them again, we used to shoot many dozens or even hundreds of goats or pigs in a trip. And leave all but s handfull to rot.

With water buffalo, again in the majority of cases a lot of meat is wasted. Tropical, hot and possibly humid conditions. The meat does not last long. It goes off very quickly. And to use a whole buffalo or several, refridgerated trucks are out of the question. Hundreds of kilometres away from a town. And possibly many kilometres away from a vehicle. If harvesting buffalo meat I like to NOT shoot an old bull, but a younger beast. And if planning to take a fair amount of the meat, ideally prefer to shoot the beast closer to the vehicle and preferably near a cooler or portable fridge.

The Aborigines in Australia have it easier than the blacks in Africa. They get welfare payments so can buy canned food etc. Meat is not a rarity. So none of the same eagerness to to descend on a buffalo carcase and strip it to the bone. On my first buffalo hunt we shot on purpose a younger animal in the cooler time of the day. Where we could get the vehicle close. Skinned it, and butchered it into four quarters. And then took the four quarters to the local Aboriginal township which had four families and each got a quarter. They took it but weren't overly excited to get it. The outfitter asked us to do this though, so it was done.

When hunting deer I always use the meat. Usually 100% of it. Always like to bring some young goat meat back. Pigs it will depend on their condition, healthiness and if they have any disease or not. Rabbits, the old bucks the dog gets. I reserve any well shot medium sized ones for my table. Hares the same, into the freezer for human use.

I remember being upset when I once wounded a hartebeest in Namibia. And though we looked for it, never found it. The trackers were a bit hopeless on that property. I was the one who found the specs of blood a couple hundred metres from where it was last seen, and that was about it. Looked more but never came across it again. The lady of the property, said though - "The jackals and hyaenas have to eat too." (and my wallet was thinner as well.)

(.275 member)
23/09/17 03:42 PM
Re: "Nothing goes to waste" - what about you?

Thank you! That's quite a story.

What do you think of this one?

(.577 member)
23/09/17 08:19 PM
Re: "Nothing goes to waste" - what about you?

That is a good article thank you for sharing

(.700 member)
24/09/17 03:49 AM
Re: "Nothing goes to waste" - what about you?

Yes good article.

True about the offalo eating. Once we used to take a fallow deer's liver and cook it on the coals and eat it at the end of the day. I usually enjoy liver as such like that, wish I did it more, until I usually get a crunchy bit, then loose the flavour very quickly.

Crocodile is good eating too. Once was with some "locals" in the Top End some 35 years ago (my God, that log ago!!!) and we cooked up freshly caught crocodile tail cooked in the coals. I have a big hunk of crocodile in the freezer, still needing cooking.

Have eaten all sorts and everything. Some things I won't eat, but usually will try most.

Never eaten any feline yet, BUT will never eat dog. I'd rather eat Korean than a dog. I mean an actual Korean. Dogs are my mates.

Never had snake either yet. Snake season here at the moment, warming up and they will be coming out of hibernation in the long grass.

(.333 member)
24/09/17 06:39 AM
Re: "Nothing goes to waste" - what about you?

Someone once said. Love cats but couldn't eat a whole one.

(.400 member)
24/09/17 10:55 AM
Re: "Nothing goes to waste" - what about you?

Most of the brain washed masses believe that Hunters just shoot animals to see them ''hit the ground'' then leave the whole lot to rot[and wont believe anything else].Having grown up on a farm wasting anything was unforgivable ,when in Africa I always wanted to eat ,mainly to try it [and leave the rest for the natives to eat ] I was told elephant was too coarse from their rough diet but I still wanted to eat it ,I asked for meat from the Hippo but never got any of it ,was good to try Zebra ,Wildebeest ,Hartebeest [which was good] Bush buck was good ,Impala not as good .
Its always good to use it as much as is possible, but when you are shooting a lot as pests unfortunately its just not possible to take/use it all .

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