(.700 member)
25/09/14 12:57 AM
Safari Hats - show us yours!

Stewart Granger wearing a Double Terai Slouch Hat, with leopard
hide band. Cool safari shirt with bullet loops too.

Show us your safari hat!

(.700 member)
25/09/14 02:04 AM
Re: Safari Hats - show us yours!

My first, an Akubra Stockman hat.

(.400 member)
25/09/14 08:53 AM
Re: Safari Hats - show us yours!

My old cloth bush hat made it through five rough weeks in Kenya, 1971. Here, in the North East Territory, with a Grevy's zebra.

(.700 member)
29/09/14 08:42 PM
Re: Safari Hats - show us yours!

I'll re-post one of our friend "Sville" - Lake Kariba, Zimbabwe, 1994.

(.400 member)
29/09/14 09:58 PM
Re: Safari Hats - show us yours!

I still got it....

(.375 member)
30/09/14 12:12 PM
Re: Safari Hats - show us yours!

My favorite hat, purchased at the Indiana Jones concession at Disneyland, California.

This duiker, shot in the Limpopo region of South Africa scored quite high in the Rowland Ward's Records of Big Game.

(.375 member)
30/09/14 04:59 PM
Re: Safari Hats - show us yours!

(.700 member)
07/10/14 10:50 PM
Re: Safari Hats - show us yours!

Looking good gentlemen.

My first "safari hat". Worn in Kenya, Tanzania, Malawi, Zambia, Botswana and Zimbabwe back in 1988 or 1989.

A simple cotton cloth slouch hat with studs on both sides.

A funny little story.

I was wearing this hat in Malawi and we were camping on the shores on the beach of Lake Malawi. On the way into town one afternoon, I hitched a ride with the others on the truck but got dropped off a few kilometres from the Lake, at some tourist curio stalls at the side of the road, planning to walk back afterwards.

I wanted to buy some souvenirs and curios. First I walked along all the stands, looking over everything the guys had. Of course the Africans tried the hard sell, but I told them I was going to look over everything first then come back to what I wanted to bargain over. They were pretty good and didn't pester me then. I also told them, the truck would be coming back from town in about an hour and then they would have lots of tourists to sell to. That made them happy.

So I looked over everything.

Then went back and started bargaining at the stalls for the stuff I wanted. I remember getting a few things, a "redwood" set of three monkeys, see no evil, hear no evil, say no evil. A "redwood" fish which I planned to giveaway at home. I kept it. A "Malawi warrior" armed very offensively with a multiple of spears, clubs and choppers. Made of ebony and with a beautiful polish in places.

I also planned to trade some old ripped Levi jeans. I needed space in the backpack for one thing.

At one stall I had admired a chess set, but the guys wanted too much for it. They had in turn admired my hat, and the conversation went something like this.

"Buy this chess set, it is only 800 Kwacha!"

"No, No." I replied "it is much too expensive. I can not afford that."

"Give us a price, we can bargain" the guys said.

"No, I can't afford it, or carry it, it is too expensive" I said.

The two Malawians said: "We like your hat, trade your hat, and you can have it for 700 Kwacha."

"Oh no" I replied, I need the hat, it is hot and sunny and I will faint in the heat without my hat!" I replied.

We bargained for another of their items, and made a deal, and they came back to the hat and chess set.

"We really like you hat, 400 for the chess set and the hat."

I replied again, "I have many more weeks in Africa, and need this hat until I leave."

So it went on, when they got to 25 Kwacha and the hat, for the chess set. I said "YES!!!".

They laughed and said, "On NO, we are not serious, it was a joke. But you would sell the hat" they laughed.

I knew they weren't serious either, so just laughed as well.

Walked back to the Lake with a full daypack.

(.700 member)
07/10/14 10:52 PM
Re: Safari Hats - show us yours!

I almost threw this hat away this year, but kept it for the memories.

It doesn't fit me anymore, my head is now too big for it.

(.333 member)
08/10/14 07:10 PM
Re: Safari Hats - show us yours!

I bought this hat in Phoeniz (AZ) and went to Africa many times.

(.400 member)
08/10/14 11:06 PM
Re: Safari Hats - show us yours!

(.700 member)
09/10/14 12:23 AM
Re: Safari Hats - show us yours!

Pablo, I like your hat, it is very functional.

Adam, your first one is good. The second one for pushing through the Jess.

Just for laughs.

(.700 member)
14/10/14 09:42 PM
Re: Safari Hats - show us yours!

My Akubra "Cooper Pedy" hat. One it fits me unlike the earlier Akubra "Stockman" hat. Also I prefer the wider brim. Have used this one on my last safaris to Namibia and Zimbabwe to the Omay. Plus of course Aussie Top End hunts and other hunts. A nuisance to carry on planes and travelling, but I will stick with this one when I can take it with me for a long time, I think.

Also in the photo a pair of my Scarpa boots, a Thomas Williams custom damascus "African Hunter" knife, a leather cartridge pouch for .450 No. 2 NE ammo and a couple of cartridges.

I usually take my hat off for photos.

(.400 member)
15/10/14 12:36 PM
Re: Safari Hats - show us yours!

You guys don't find the Akubra's too hot and sweaty for long walks in the bush? Classic look but I prefer cloth these days, but still wear Akubra's when not too strenuous going.

John, my current Akubra fits only because it was bought and fitted to me by the hat shop at Katoomba (going out towards Echo Poit - Three Sisters) before that they only sought of fit!

A group of us passed through Nkomangombi, down nearby Lake Nyasa (or Lake Malawi if on the wetsern side) and there was what looked like a local with a zebra pattern hat. The order was buy some if you can. I subsequently spent a lot of time down that way but never saw the hat again, and never saw another like it no matter where I went, Dar, Nairobi, Mombasa etc.

Some nice hats gents.

John I like the setup for that photo. But where is the .450 No.2?

Cheers, Chris

(.700 member)
16/10/14 11:27 PM
Re: Safari Hats - show us yours!

Cloth transfers the heat of a direct hot sun more than a good hat's rabbit fur or skin or whatever these things are made of.

I find them fine in a hot sun.

Cloth may be better in a humid heat with less direct sun, such as cloud.

One's head sweats and gets wet of course in a hat. That is part of the cooling effect.

My first hat did fit, but no longer does. This one fits well.

I dropped two off in Scandinavia when there last year. One for Staffan, the Swedish Crocodile hunter. With a crocodile headband. The other to Erik in Norway, was I think the same model as mine. Erik's didn't quite fit, was slightly too big, but an internal band might fit that. Would be good to hear if it did.

Zebra hand bands or Leopard band bands are viewed with humour by some today. I think Mickey had one which he used to post for the humour value. I think it would take a brave man to wear one on safari today. Don't hell, doesn't bother me, I like eccentrics.

Where is the rifle? Good point, it would look good in the photo. Might try again one day. A real leopard skin underneath would be nicer too ... but if I had one, it couldn't appear in a photo.

Actually that leopard patterned cloth sits on the back omy leather armchair, where I am right now. Been cold enough to add the reindeer fur as well the last few nights.

(.700 member)
17/10/14 12:47 AM
Re: Safari Hats - show us yours!

My last "safari hat" to post, the third used, was a fail. I have to find it, I saw it in the last month or so, but where??? It is a good usefut hat, but not suitable for Africa. I bought a goretex "boonie" style hat, styled the same as the Aussie Vietnam and Army hats. Round, with a brief brim. A simple cotton one was what I wanted, but couldn't find any before the safari, found lots a year or two later ...

The fail was the goretex made it too hot and too sweaty. Actually lost it driving in the open vehicle on the road at Nemba in the Gwaayi Valley. A tracker spotted it the next day so it was recovered. Good thing as the PH/Outfitter didn't have any spares that fitted.

Will post a photo when it is found. In the meantime will have to come up with some more fun posts. Got a whole range of period "hats" in try out, but sorry the photos won't be African!

(.275 member)
19/10/14 03:25 PM
Re: Safari Hats - show us yours!

(.300 member)
19/10/14 11:57 PM
Re: Safari Hats - show us yours!

Courtesy of Duluth Trading Company.


I also sport a Filson TIn Cloth hat when the weather allows.


(.400 member)
26/10/14 04:12 AM
Re: Safari Hats - show us yours!

Out of africa..

Allen Quartermain

(.400 member)
26/10/14 07:05 AM
Re: Safari Hats - show us yours!

Nothing wrong with a good old straw hat, light and cool.

(.400 member)
26/10/14 01:20 PM
Re: Safari Hats - show us yours!

I like straw too. Wear them a lot around the place but not to travel with.

John, I meant the whole hat looked like zebra skin, not just a band! Cool looking hat but we didn't have time to stop and ask about it. Never saw one like it again and I had a few workmates with orders!

Cheers, Chris

(.700 member)
31/10/14 12:39 AM
Re: Safari Hats - show us yours!


Out of africa..

Allen Quartermain

Interesting. But Denys Finch=Hatton almost certainly hunted in a Pith helmet, as would have Alan Quatermain if he was a real person.

Interesting looking hats however.

(.400 member)
04/11/14 04:48 PM
Re: Safari Hats - show us yours!

Nice hat BUT at $930 I think Ill pass.

(.400 member)
04/11/14 07:06 PM
Re: Safari Hats - show us yours!

what is wrong with you, live life on the edge.


(.375 member)
06/11/14 02:38 PM
Re: Safari Hats - show us yours!

No pictures because I'm lazy. I took a Sterson Gun Club fedora with rattlesnake band on my hunt to Namibia a few years ago. The PHs liked it.

(.400 member)
07/11/14 05:18 AM
Re: Safari Hats - show us yours!

I use a Tilley hat.

(.224 member)
14/11/14 12:43 PM
older safari hat

I have a heavy felt safari hat with a striped cloth band and no vent holes. Excellent condition. The brim is 4" wide and the crown is about 5" high and the felt is 1/10" thick

it is the most elegant I have seen. Similar ones appear in early Karen Blixen photos and pictures of Afrikaaners in the Boer War.

I have a 1932 Army & Navy catalogue, but under tropical clothes they show only pith helmets

I've tried to post images and failed but if someone will send me an email ( I'll send images and ask that they be posted.

I would like to know more about this hat particularly its age and maker



(.700 member)
14/11/14 02:30 PM
Re: older safari hat

I 'd like to see that hat. Email me Nitro AT

I am not sure when I will get to it, may straight away, maybe later, as things are a bit hectic at the moment. But will post it up.

(.700 member)
14/11/14 02:49 PM
Re: Safari Hats - show us yours!


Nice hat BUT at $930 I think Ill pass.

Ha ha, I did not see the price tag when re-posting the images of those hats.

I think I will get some Akubra's rebadged as "Nitro Express" hats. That has got to add at least a ZERO behind the previous price, don't you think?

(.700 member)
14/11/14 02:52 PM
Re: Safari Hats - show us yours!



Nice hat BUT at $930 I think Ill pass.

Ha ha, I did not see the price tag when re-posting the images of those hats.

I think I will get some Akubra's rebadged as "Nitro Express" hats. That has got to add at least a ZERO behind the previous price, don't you think?

Looking at those hats again, from Hollywood, to me that big ribbon hat band is a bit totally gay ...

(.400 member)
14/11/14 11:52 PM
Re: Safari Hats - show us yours!

For what it´s worth, my very old and battered hat, a fair bit fashioned by me as you can tell Lining has gone, the staining on the inside looks like a rugby players jockstrap but the band is from an Ostrich I shot in SA, the .500 Woodleigh from my Buff in the Selous and the partridge feather from a shoot in the UK. It has also fished with me on 4 continents, memories. I´d hate to lose it


(.416 member)
19/11/14 09:48 PM
Re: Safari Hats - show us yours!

My safari hat is a modern rendition of the Giggle Hat, otherwise known in military speak as Hats, Rags, Rediculous. Also a Barmah Squashy hat. It is made of thin Kangaroo leather.

Like John said both these have the top of the hat sitting on the top of your head. Still use and prefer the old Sloutch hat in hot open places.

My Hats rags rediculous.

(.275 member)
20/11/14 08:43 AM
Re: Safari Hats - show us yours!

Used to wear an aussie bush opted for a lightweight canvas hat from Rouge (South Africa)

(.333 member)
08/02/15 03:20 PM
Re: Safari Hats - show us yours!

For many years just wore a truckers cap of various makes. Last safari I bought a ventilated and leather style 3c1 Rogue from So. Africa. I like it very much,shades yet cool. No problem with a scope. Bought it in Bulawayo.

(.700 member)
08/04/15 08:43 AM
Re: Safari Hats - show us yours!

Adding the photo here. Worn on my last African safari in 2006, and to the Territory and many other hunts down South.

(.400 member)
08/04/15 04:12 PM
Re: Safari Hats - show us yours!

The price of those Out of Africa and Quartermain hats is over the Top !

(.400 member)
07/05/15 05:34 PM
Re: Safari Hats - show us yours!

(.275 member)
07/05/15 10:29 PM
Re: Safari Hats - show us yours!

Can't beat the old Akubra, except when there is 2 of them

(.275 member)
07/05/15 10:31 PM
Re: Safari Hats - show us yours!

Damn it !!! Can't work out how to load the photo

(.700 member)
19/06/20 09:49 PM
Re: Safari Hats - show us yours!

(.375 member)
19/06/20 10:28 PM
Re: Safari Hats - show us yours!

OK! this thread has my name all over it. For me the hat is just part of the outfit. When Im in the Teddy Roosevelt mood, it has to be a Stetson. If Im in an Alpine mood, its a Tyrolean style. When Im carrying a Martini, its a pith helmet; but my favorite was a Pig hunt when I was taking two friends from work who had never hunted before.

They were excited and wanting to buy everything that they saw on the internet. I told them I would take care of buying them hats. Orange was required for the hunt and of course, most guys wear some form of a baseball hat; but I wasnt having any of that so... I went to a costume store and bought us ORANGE top hats.

Now if I can only figure out how to post pics

(.300 member)
19/06/20 11:01 PM
Re: Safari Hats - show us yours!

jesu i have got about half a dozen or more depends on the rifle im shooting and the weather, will try and post pic of the lot lol


(.700 member)
20/06/20 01:04 AM
Re: Safari Hats - show us yours!

Sorry - no picture:
My old hunting hat, worn today when hunting or shooting the BP Trail, is a Koolah, now dirty and slightly greenish from the sun's UV rays.
It is my fall and spring hat, but a little warm for summer us, when I wear straw for fishing.
Pretty much like this. I bought it in Ontario at a gun shop, 20 or more years ago for about $80.00.

(.400 member)
20/06/20 11:19 AM
Re: Safari Hats - show us yours!

Just an old straw hat did the trick on this hunt.

(.300 member)
23/06/20 03:36 PM
Re: Safari Hats - show us yours!


To paraphrase that great antipodean philosopher of my youth: "Now that's.... a hat!"

An exceedingly functional and (to me, anyway) very stylish form of warm-weather headgear. Unfortunately, in our current social climate, impossible to wear without incurring the international wrath of the politically-correct statue-topplers who are dictating what our values and behaviour are supposed to be. In other words, unless you're going out trick-or-treating dressed as Colonel Mustard, pith helmets/sun helmets are ganz verboten!

I'm just sorry I only discovered this fun thread too late to see many of the pictures, which are too out-of-date to be visible anymore. Any of the OP's still on the forum, maybe you could repost them so us newbies can enjoy them too.

(.300 member)
23/06/20 03:38 PM
Re: Safari Hats - show us yours!


Adding the photo here. Worn on my last African safari in 2006, and to the Territory and many other hunts down South.

Bloody hell! When did my brother move to Australia???

(.300 member)
23/06/20 04:17 PM
Re: Safari Hats - show us yours!


Interesting. But Denys Finch=Hatton almost certainly hunted in a Pith helmet

You're probably right there; I've seen pictures of him in a slouch hat, but far more in the pith helmet. Redford refused to wear one, saying it looked preposterous. Frankly, nothing could be more preposterous to me than casting a blatantly-American actor as a British colonial aristocrat, although I think he was a great actor in more appropriate roles. It certainly spoiled the movie for me, just like that arrogant turd McQueen totally ruined The Great Escape.

On a related headgear point, all the photos I've ever seen of Bror Blixen show him in a big slouch hat.

(.700 member)
23/06/20 06:09 PM
Re: Safari Hats - show us yours!


To paraphrase that great antipodean philosopher of my youth: "Now that's.... a hat!"

An exceedingly functional and (to me, anyway) very stylish form of warm-weather headgear. Unfortunately, in our current social climate, impossible to wear without incurring the international wrath of the politically-correct statue-topplers who are dictating what our values and behaviour are supposed to be. In other words, unless you're going out trick-or-treating dressed as Colonel Mustard, pith helmets/sun helmets are ganz verboten!

Ha ha, all the more reason to wear them! Ffff them.

I've never worn one seriously. But will one day. These do need a proper chin strap added to them.


I'm just sorry I only discovered this fun thread too late to see many of the pictures, which are too out-of-date to be visible anymore. Any of the OP's still on the forum, maybe you could repost them so us newbies can enjoy them too.

Some of the images were hotlinks from retailer sites that I linked to here. I might have a look to see if they can be reposted. I would have some of my images stored on another PC, which might be out of action at the moment.

People won't be able to edit their old posts. But can post new photos on new posts easily enough. Keep the thread going.

I have a lot more pith helmets to show as well.

(.700 member)
23/06/20 06:12 PM
Re: Safari Hats - show us yours!



Adding the photo here. Worn on my last African safari in 2006, and to the Territory and many other hunts down South.

Bloody hell! When did my brother move to Australia???

AND looks like Marrakai sometimes.

And a safari hunter/Senior Civil servant in the UK who was castigated by the tabloids. I got in contact with the guy.

And a famous hunter named Baker in India or Sri Lanka. Sir Samuel Baker.

And sometimes like actor Oliver Reid. Sometimes. I wish more times, particularly all the chicks.

(.700 member)
23/06/20 06:20 PM
Re: Safari Hats - show us yours!



Interesting. But Denys Finch=Hatton almost certainly hunted in a Pith helmet

You're probably right there; I've seen pictures of him in a slouch hat, but far more in the pith helmet. Redford refused to wear one, saying it looked preposterous. Frankly, nothing could be more preposterous to me than casting a blatantly-American actor as a British colonial aristocrat, although I think he was a great actor in more appropriate roles. It certainly spoiled the movie for me, just like that arrogant turd McQueen totally ruined The Great Escape.

On a related headgear point, all the photos I've ever seen of Bror Blixen show him in a big slouch hat.

Finch-Hatton, 100% a pith helmet.

Redford tried to do Colonial Brit but couldn't do it. So we get some sort of 1960's attitude and laid back American "style" used for Finch-Hatton.

I really enjoyed the movie, and still do, but Redford is such a distraction with the "modern rebel", "modern free spirit" BS it distracts so much from the movie.

And the Bror Blixen character is destroyed and demonised. Bror was a very popular and liked man. Not an arsehole.

As for affairs, all the aristocrats got up to them.

Karen Blixen bankrupted herself with her spending. She would go to Paris and buy entire collections of clothing and dresses from Paris designer houses. Imagine doing that today. Spent about 110,000 pounds of her families money keeping the farm financed. And her other spending. Imagine that sort of money today.

Her books are not non fiction but often a collection of semi fictional stories. Same based on fact, some completely fiction. Like Kamukli (splg?) , the African boy with the sick leg. Completely a fictional story.

Still an interesting period. And I do like her stories and writing.

Wear the hats!

(.300 member)
23/06/20 10:24 PM
Re: Safari Hats - show us yours!


Bloody hell! When did my brother move to Australia???

AND looks like Marrakai sometimes.

And a safari hunter/Senior Civil servant in the UK who was castigated by the tabloids. I got in contact with the guy.

And a famous hunter named Baker in India or Sri Lanka. Sir Samuel Baker.

And sometimes like actor Oliver Reid. Sometimes. I wish more times, particularly all the chicks.

All of them infinitely better options than looking like my whack-a-doodle brother. By the way, best you not show up at the Canadian border anytime soon. There's probably an embarrassingly close likeness plastered on the wall of every Border Services office in the country. Just sayin'....

(.300 member)
23/06/20 10:29 PM
Re: Safari Hats - show us yours!




Interesting. But Denys Finch=Hatton almost certainly hunted in a Pith helmet

You're probably right there; I've seen pictures of him in a slouch hat, but far more in the pith helmet. Redford refused to wear one, saying it looked preposterous. Frankly, nothing could be more preposterous to me than casting a blatantly-American actor as a British colonial aristocrat, although I think he was a great actor in more appropriate roles. It certainly spoiled the movie for me, just like that arrogant turd McQueen totally ruined The Great Escape.

On a related headgear point, all the photos I've ever seen of Bror Blixen show him in a big slouch hat.

Finch-Hatton, 100% a pith helmet.

Redford tried to do Colonial Brit but couldn't do it. So we get some sort of 1960's attitude and laid back American "style" used for Finch-Hatton.

I really enjoyed the movie, and still do, but Redford is such a distraction with the "modern rebel", "modern free spirit" BS it distracts so much from the movie.

And the Bror Blixen character is destroyed and demonised. Bror was a very popular and liked man. Not an arsehole.

As for affairs, all the aristocrats got up to them.

Karen Blixen bankrupted herself with her spending. She would go to Paris and buy entire collections of clothing and dresses from Paris designer houses. Imagine doing that today. Spent about 110,000 pounds of her families money keeping the farm financed. And her other spending. Imagine that sort of money today.

Her books are not non fiction but often a collection of semi fictional stories. Same based on fact, some completely fiction. Like Kamukli (splg?) , the African boy with the sick leg. Completely a fictional story.

Still an interesting period. And I do like her stories and writing.

Wear the hats!

+++1 on all points. And yes, do wear the hats! I for one, am very much looking forward to seeing those pith helmets....

(.333 member)
20/07/20 10:50 PM
Re: Safari Hats - show us yours!

I used an Akubra Cattleman hat on my Chewore safari in oct-nov ´18. Brown (fawn) color, but would probably choose a bit lighter color next time.

It was very warm and I was very happy it had a wide brim and went holes. Got up into 40C+ midday...

Among other hats I have, is a Stetson straw-hat for the summer holidays, and an indian style pit helmet.

Next trip - if I ever experience that kind of heat again - my choice will be the pit helmet. Ppl can laugh as much as they want.. it is VERY nice in extreme heat! It is a reason why it was so widely used in the old days.

I wish hats would make it back into fashion again - good headgear is important!

(.700 member)
11/08/20 08:29 PM
Re: Safari Hats - show us yours!

More hat photos please!

(.577 member)
12/08/20 01:19 PM
Re: Safari Hats - show us yours!

Have to send you a pic of my cowboy hat I wear on the ranch..

(.700 member)
28/01/21 03:29 PM
Re: Safari Hats - show us yours!

A story of a hat.


Looking good gentlemen.

My first "safari hat". Worn in Kenya, Tanzania, Malawi, Zambia, Botswana and Zimbabwe back in 1988 or 1989.

A simple cotton cloth slouch hat with studs on both sides.

A funny little story.

I was wearing this hat in Malawi and we were camping on the shores on the beach of Lake Malawi. On the way into town one afternoon, I hitched a ride with the others on the truck but got dropped off a few kilometres from the Lake, at some tourist curio stalls at the side of the road, planning to walk back afterwards.

I wanted to buy some souvenirs and curios. First I walked along all the stands, looking over everything the guys had. Of course the Africans tried the hard sell, but I told them I was going to look over everything first then come back to what I wanted to bargain over. They were pretty good and didn't pester me then. I also told them, the truck would be coming back from town in about an hour and then they would have lots of tourists to sell to. That made them happy.

So I looked over everything.

Then went back and started bargaining at the stalls for the stuff I wanted. I remember getting a few things, a "redwood" set of three monkeys, see no evil, hear no evil, say no evil. A "redwood" fish which I planned to giveaway at home. I kept it. A "Malawi warrior" armed very offensively with a multiple of spears, clubs and choppers. Made of ebony and with a beautiful polish in places.

I also planned to trade some old ripped Levi jeans. I needed space in the backpack for one thing.

At one stall I had admired a chess set, but the guys wanted too much for it. They had in turn admired my hat, and the conversation went something like this.

"Buy this chess set, it is only 800 Kwacha!"

"No, No." I replied "it is much too expensive. I can not afford that."

"Give us a price, we can bargain" the guys said.

"No, I can't afford it, or carry it, it is too expensive" I said.

The two Malawians said: "We like your hat, trade your hat, and you can have it for 700 Kwacha."

"Oh no" I replied, I need the hat, it is hot and sunny and I will faint in the heat without my hat!" I replied.

We bargained for another of their items, and made a deal, and they came back to the hat and chess set.

"We really like you hat, 400 for the chess set and the hat."

I replied again, "I have many more weeks in Africa, and need this hat until I leave."

So it went on, when they got to 25 Kwacha and the hat, for the chess set. I said "YES!!!".

They laughed and said, "On NO, we are not serious, it was a joke. But you would sell the hat" they laughed.

I knew they weren't serious either, so just laughed as well.

Walked back to the Lake with a full daypack.

(.700 member)
28/01/21 03:43 PM
Re: Safari Hats - show us yours!


My favorite hat, purchased at the Indiana Jones concession at Disneyland, California.

This duiker, shot in the Limpopo region of South Africa scored quite high in the Rowland Ward's Records of Big Game.

A nice one. I could use one to go with all my other usual "Indiana attire" minus the whip.

(.700 member)
29/08/23 12:53 AM
Re: Safari Hats - show us yours!


Looking good gentlemen.

My first "safari hat". Worn in Kenya, Tanzania, Malawi, Zambia, Botswana and Zimbabwe back in 1988 or 1989.

A simple cotton cloth slouch hat with studs on both sides.

A funny little story.

I was wearing this hat in Malawi and we were camping on the shores on the beach of Lake Malawi. On the way into town one afternoon, I hitched a ride with the others on the truck but got dropped off a few kilometres from the Lake, at some tourist curio stalls at the side of the road, planning to walk back afterwards.

I wanted to buy some souvenirs and curios. First I walked along all the stands, looking over everything the guys had. Of course the Africans tried the hard sell, but I told them I was going to look over everything first then come back to what I wanted to bargain over. They were pretty good and didn't pester me then. I also told them, the truck would be coming back from town in about an hour and then they would have lots of tourists to sell to. That made them happy.

So I looked over everything.

Then went back and started bargaining at the stalls for the stuff I wanted. I remember getting a few things, a "redwood" set of three monkeys, see no evil, hear no evil, say no evil. A "redwood" fish which I planned to giveaway at home. I kept it. A "Malawi warrior" armed very offensively with a multiple of spears, clubs and choppers. Made of ebony and with a beautiful polish in places.

I also planned to trade some old ripped Levi jeans. I needed space in the backpack for one thing.

At one stall I had admired a chess set, but the guys wanted too much for it. They had in turn admired my hat, and the conversation went something like this.

"Buy this chess set, it is only 800 Kwacha!"

"No, No." I replied "it is much too expensive. I can not afford that."

"Give us a price, we can bargain" the guys said.

"No, I can't afford it, or carry it, it is too expensive" I said.

The two Malawians said: "We like your hat, trade your hat, and you can have it for 700 Kwacha."

"Oh no" I replied, I need the hat, it is hot and sunny and I will faint in the heat without my hat!" I replied.

We bargained for another of their items, and made a deal, and they came back to the hat and chess set.

"We really like you hat, 400 for the chess set and the hat."

I replied again, "I have many more weeks in Africa, and need this hat until I leave."

So it went on, when they got to 25 Kwacha and the hat, for the chess set. I said "YES!!!".

They laughed and said, "On NO, we are not serious, it was a joke. But you would sell the hat" they laughed.

I knew they weren't serious either, so just laughed as well.

Walked back to the Lake with a full daypack.

One of my little stories. Still got this hat as a relic.

(.700 member)
29/08/23 01:00 AM
Re: Safari Hats - show us yours!


My first, an Akubra Stockman hat.

This thread needs my new hats. The bigger Cobber Pedy Akubra. My summer Akubra.

My Andean Peruvian Gauchos hat, I call myself indigenous when wearing it. I self identify as Best Nations Indigenous.

And my dress hat I bought when shopping for a soure at the Governor's Government House. Eventually it might become a broad brimmed hunting hat. The last two are wool based and hats for winter and rain.


(.700 member)
29/08/23 01:02 AM
Re: Safari Hats - show us yours!


Adding the photo here. Worn on my last African safari in 2006, and to the Territory and many other hunts down South.

Oops missed page 2, here is the Akubra Coober Pedy worn by some bushie mountain man ...

(.333 member)
01/09/23 08:03 AM
Re: Safari Hats - show us yours!

Here I am back in 1970 when I won an all expense paid safari to Southeast Asia to hunt truly dangerous game.

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