(.224 member)
05/09/04 12:44 AM

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Win a Matt's Safaris video "Caping & Field Preparation of Trophies"

(click on the image to see a larger video cover)

To win, post on one of these competition threads a photo of game animals or animals. Strong preference for live wild animals but trophy shots can also be submitted.

The competition will be run on all the hunting forums so you may submit in context entries on each thread.

Closing date will be announced but will be mid to end of October.

If you are unable to host your own photos on the net is willing to host them subject to the availability of time. Please email or PM NitroX first. (not available from 10 Sept to 3 Oct).

A DVD copy may be substituted for users unable to play PAL videos. Copyright permission has been granted.

Please enquire:

  • Photos should be your own or one you have been given permission to submit
  • reserves the right to use any submitted photos on the site
  • Matt has given permission for me to copy the PAL video to DVD if a USA (ie NTSC) format is required and the winner is unable to play PAL videos. If neither works an alternative prize will be worked on.

(.416 member)
03/09/04 05:34 PM
Re: COMPETITION Win a Trophy Caping & Field Prep Video

Although all our best animal pictures are on slides, here are a few we took with the digital:

Erik D.

(a couple photos added for Eric)

04/09/04 03:34 AM
Re: COMPETITION Win a Trophy Caping & Field Prep Video

Some ele's I bagged last year


Death at my feet

04/09/04 03:36 AM
Re: COMPETITION Win a Trophy Caping & Field Prep Video

If Image Station gives red X's, try right clicking on them.

(.416 member)
04/09/04 04:32 AM
Re: COMPETITION Win a Trophy Caping & Field Prep Video


Was your elephant ride in Botswana or Zim? My wife and I did that on our honeymoon in '98. It was an interesting experiance. Still makes me want to hunt elephants though!

Erik D.

04/09/04 11:35 AM
Re: COMPETITION Win a Trophy Caping & Field Prep Video


I would hunt ele's in a minute, if I could afford them. But the ride was in Zim, not far out of Vic Falls. There are two ranches I know of there that do this. It was "tons" of fun.

(.700 member)
04/09/04 02:11 PM
Re: COMPETITION Win a Trophy Caping & Field Prep Video


Some great photos there.

I stayed with the guy who owned one of those two elephant camps when in Zim in 2002.

Rode a elephant in Thailand of the Indian variety but not yet an African one.

At one time they said they couldn't be tamed, but Hannibal of Cartage had trained African war elephants so I guess it was done more than a few years ago.

I wonder if anyone does hunts from elephant back like they did in India?

(.700 member)
04/09/04 02:14 PM
Re: COMPETITION Win a Trophy Caping & Field Prep Video


Someone there is giving you an unfriendly eye.

Great photos and considerable variety too.

(.416 member)
04/09/04 06:56 PM
Re: COMPETITION Win a Trophy Caping & Field Prep Video


As I mentioned, all the "real" animal pictures we took was with slides. And I don't have a scanner...
Maybe I'll get ahold of one of those thingys you can mount on front of the digital camera to take pictures of the slides.

This lioness which we saw in the western part of Serengetti was actually quite interesting. She was missing one of her rear paws!!! It was an old wound that was completely healed and had a thick "pad" where the leg ended. She was all alone, and had obviously taken the Gnu by herself.
We found the western, less visited part of Serengetti to be worthwhile, and saw over 20 lion in one day!

The Whaleshark picture is from a small one (about 6 meters) that we snorkelled with in Mozambique. The biggest one we were in the water with was about 11-12 meters. It was quite amazing to be close enough to touch them (which you aren't supposed to, but I did anyway...) while swimming along. I did this practically every day for a month.

The 3 Buff are from Abadere nat. park in Kenya. We had stopped on a hilltop to have a look at the veiw. You could see Mount Kenya from there. After having a good look around for lion etc., we got out of our LR, and walked the 50 meters up to the "lookout point". As I got to the top of the crest, I was able to see these 3 buff only 15 meters away beneath me on the gentle slope! Naturally I stopped up, and backed slowly down to the car, together with my wife who was right behind me. We then drove around the hill, and took this picture. So in other words, we had been standing 15 meter to the 3 buffs left side up the slope. The amount of good buff in Kenya was amazing... My trigger finger was itching!

The gorillas are from Mgahinga in Uganda, along the DRC and Rwanda border. If I had to make a final choice of which animal I would be allowed to go see before I die, it would be the gorillas again. They were simpley amazing.

Erik D.

Here are a few more picture:

(.224 member)
05/09/04 12:44 AM
Re: COMPETITION Win a Trophy Caping & Field Prep Video

Some photos submitted to me by "Shakari" or Steve Robinson of Kuduland Safaris who is off to Botswana for another safari. Some people have the life!

Crater Bulls - taken in the Ngogoro Crater Tanzania just as the first rains were coming in after a 2 year drought.

Lazy Cheetah - taken on foot from about 20 yards when I was helping a zoologist friend of mine with her research in a private reserve bordering the KNP.

DR & EA Eland - 2003 client of mine . The animal is a new world record in SCI & a new #4 in Rowland Ward. We took it in the Selous.

Lion Face & Mouth - Taken in a private area adjoining the KNP. The Lion is one of two (fully grown) brothers who were hand reared and now live (free range) on the reserve. The subject strolled up to me, sat down and licked the lens of my camera (1st shot) and then yawned, so I stuck my lens in his mouth and took the second shot. The reason for the slight blurring on the second shot is that his brother sneaked up behind me and (I promise this is true!) licked the back of my neck just as I pushed the button. Although I was on foot.....well, actually kneeling when I took the shots, it not as dangerous as it first appears.........I had the guy who had hand reared them right beside me with a .458. Although neither of us had seen the brother sneak up on me. Actually, in retrospect it was a bloody silly thing to do, but I sometimes get lost in my camera lens.


(.333 member)
06/09/04 05:29 AM
Re: COMPETITION Win a Trophy Caping & Field Prep Video

14/09/04 05:36 PM
Re: COMPETITION Win a Trophy Caping & Field Prep Video

I don't know how to submit pics.What should I do??

(.224 member)
14/09/04 08:03 PM
Re: COMPETITION Win a Trophy Caping & Field Prep V

Once you have your pics on your computer go to and upload your picture copy the text on the first box then paste it into your forum post or reply

(.333 member)
20/09/04 08:36 PM
Re: COMPETITION Win a Trophy Caping & Field Prep Video

En respuesta a:

I don't know how to submit pics.What should I do??

Email them to me if you want and I'll give you the link to post.

(.700 member)
10/10/04 04:31 PM
Re: COMPETITION Win a Trophy Caping & Field Prep Video


Email them to me if you like.



This competition will run to the 31st of October. I do have some emails I received while away and still need to go through and post for the members.

Keep any entries coming in.

11/10/04 05:05 PM
Re: COMPETITION Win a Trophy Caping & Field Prep Video

Howzit buddy,

Mailed you about 8 individual pics as they are to big to go all at once.All taken by myself from 1 FEB 2004 and 10 FEB 2004.

Thanks and hope everybody here @NE enjoys them.


(.450 member)
12/10/04 02:26 AM
Re: COMPETITION Win a Trophy Caping & Field Prep Video

John, I sent you a bunch of pics yesterday.

14/10/04 06:33 PM

Hi all......hope this works.My first time to try and post a pic so if it does'nt come out right have a good laugh and then I'll try again.

14/10/04 06:46 PM

Jippeeeee after editing 3 times I got it right.Here is some more.

14/10/04 07:12 PM

All the above pics was taken with my small digital Panasonic in the Kruger National Park in the beginning of the year between 1 Feb and 10 Feb while I was on my honeymoon.Notice how green the bush is.February is basically the last part of our raining season.Just before I got to the park they had about 150mm of rain so that is why it looked so lovely.Different story at this strage because that is basically the last time we had rain.Hopefully it will start soon.All these pictures was taken from my personal vehicle.You get very close to the animals in the park.

(.700 member)
13/11/04 12:48 AM

Time to judge this photo competition.

The photos submitted were amazing and I really had to go over them many times to try and pick two winners. The criteria were hunting photos, preferably live animals but great trophy shots were also eligible. I asked for photos in all the “hunting forums” – Africa, Australia, Americas, and Europe/Asia.

Some of the ones I thought were very good, but I would be happy with all of the photos submitted if I was the photographer:

Bakes’ – Buffalo
Gary Hall’s – Goat on a cliff

470Nitro’s – Racoon
AspenHill’s – Bugs (were good as usual)

470Nitro’s – Ibex and Wolf

Now the hardest forum

AspenHill’s – antelope by the fire
Shakari’s – elephant
Big Five’s – Hunting Dog
470Nitro’s – Elephant, Buffalo, Giraffe and Lion

I have decided to buy extra copies of the video from Matt and award one for each forum plus an overall prize.

Africa – Shakari – Elephant
Europe/Asia – 470Nitro - Ibex
Australia – Bakes – Buffalo
America – Ann’s Bugs

Overall Winner

I have missed someone out. He posted numerous photos on the African forum many many which could have been submitted for the competition as well.

His photos of: buffalo drinking; lioness and kill; two buffalo on a hill; zebra; jackal; eagle; gemsbok and elephant – which were entered, win the overall prize – ErikD

Thanks to everyone for submitting your photographs and I hope to have more prizes to give away soon.

I will PM each winner to ask their preferences re PAL vs NTSC and obtain addresses if needed.

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