(.400 member)
08/08/08 06:44 AM
Your next Big Hunt/Safari?? Where, When??

Some folks are fortunate to go on a major hunt away from the ole homestead occasionally--truly Lifetime experiences to be remembered with fondness and enjoyment.

Any big hunts coming up for forum members out there??
I think Bigmaxx has one in Zim shortly. Ripp has one in 2010? Are there any others in the works?

Wish I could chime in but nothing is in the works,and a hunt won't be any time soon--

08/08/08 07:07 AM
Re: Your next Big Hunt/Safari?? Where, When??

im going to SA in to weeks for my first 6-days taste of africa.

best regards


(.375 member)
08/08/08 07:17 AM
Re: Your next Big Hunt/Safari?? Where, When??

Yes, final preparations are being made. I leave the 29th for Nyakasanga for buffalo, and then down to Humani for plains game. I am now in the packing and weighing stage. I am very excited! Thanks to Ripp everybody here for all your encouragement and help!

(.450 member)
08/08/08 07:27 AM
Re: Your next Big Hunt/Safari?? Where, When??

I leave in eight days for Namibia's Caprivi Strip for a Cape Buffalo hunt with Vaughan Fulton.

(.416 member)
08/08/08 09:46 AM
Re: Your next Big Hunt/Safari?? Where, When??

If I recover well enough by winter's bear season I'll go after California Black Bear again.

Been injured and out of work since mid march, that's the most my physical and fiscal condition will likely be able to handle.

Still a bear hunt though, and I'm definitely looking forward to it!


(.577 member)
08/08/08 11:05 AM
Re: Your next Big Hunt/Safari?? Where, When??

I do have a bull/tuskless hunt planned for 2010 with my step-son. He has a severe illness and hope all things will work out for this to happen..

BigMax---wish you nothing but the best---its been great writing pm back and forth with you --one can feel the excitment in your messages...you will have a great time..

Peter,--your first time too Africa will not be your last---once that bug sets in its aweful difficult to find a cure--not that you'd want too..

Mike--your buffalo hunt should be awesome--I hear/read the Caprivi is a great place...

Hoppdoc...great topic...and I am sure you will be heading back as well..all those things seem to sort themselves out sooner or later..good luck..

While not a big game hunt of the magnitude discussed above--couple of us are heading out in 10 days for opening of antelope archery season here..can't believe where the year has gone..wow..fall is around the corner...

Good luck to everyone...hope it turns out better than anticipated..


(.450 member)
08/08/08 11:17 AM
Re: Your next Big Hunt/Safari?? Where, When??


Mike--your buffalo hunt should be awesome--I hear/read the Caprivi is a great place...


Ripp, I was sent a photo last week of a bull taken two weeks ago with Vaughan. It was 37", with 16" bosses! What a monster! The skinners couldn't get the blade of a filet knife between them. That's the kind of old boy I'd love to take.

(.577 member)
08/08/08 11:26 AM
Re: Your next Big Hunt/Safari?? Where, When??

Wow...16" bosses is a hog...Hope you do as well...I have always heard that was a great area...

What you taking for a rifle??


(.275 member)
08/08/08 11:40 AM
Re: Your next Big Hunt/Safari?? Where, When??

Will be in Namibia about a year from now.

May be going to West Africa next spring as well. Have gotten involved in trying to develop the trophy hunting industry in a newly opened country there so this would be an exploratory hunt. Hope to have more details on this at a later time.

(.416 member)
08/08/08 01:07 PM
Re: Your next Big Hunt/Safari?? Where, When??


Any big hunts coming up for forum members out there??

Nah, restricted to jumping the back fence for buffalo and boar for the remainder of this year, with one 2-week pig-culling trip coming up in September.

I'll have to live vicariously through you guys' reports posted here!

(.400 member)
08/08/08 05:48 PM
Re: Your next Big Hunt/Safari?? Where, When??

Would love a Ele / Leopard hunt at the end of this year or early next.

(.224 member)
08/08/08 08:02 PM
Re: Your next Big Hunt/Safari?? Where, When??

Zambia in early october for buffalo.Next year, same time frame, brown bear in ABC islands alaska.
I will use 404 jeffery for both hunts.

(.224 member)
09/08/08 12:04 PM
Re: Your next Big Hunt/Safari?? Where, When??

Zimbabwe, August 18th I leave Dullas next Wednesday. Chifuti Safaris for cape buffalo and tuskless.

(.700 member)
09/08/08 03:38 PM
Re: Your next Big Hunt/Safari?? Where, When??



Any big hunts coming up for forum members out there??

Nah, restricted to jumping the back fence for buffalo and boar for the remainder of this year, with one 2-week pig-culling trip coming up in September.

I'll have to live vicariously through you guys' reports posted here!

However Marrakai lives in "Aussie safari country".

09/08/08 09:23 PM
Re: Your next Big Hunt/Safari?? Where, When??

Unfortunately, I think it is going to be awhile for me. My area just suffered huge flash floods due to a month of rain. My property was greatly affected where I lost the bridge on my driveway. I got my car out in time and can at least make it to work but the tractor is trapped up at the house. That means trouble when winter snows come. Then this last Thursday I found out the cartilage on one of my knees is gone. Not sure that can even be fixed? It sure hurts.

(.577 member)
10/08/08 02:24 AM
Re: Your next Big Hunt/Safari?? Where, When??


Zimbabwe, August 18th I leave Dullas next Wednesday. Chifuti Safaris for cape buffalo and tuskless.

Who is your PH going to be? What area are you hunting with Chifuti??

Just curious


(.224 member)
10/08/08 05:10 AM
Re: Your next Big Hunt/Safari?? Where, When??

Ph is Kevin Du Boil (hope I spelled his name right) and I will be in Dande north I think. I hear that they have several camps in the area and Ivan Carter was unsure where I would be the last time that I spoke with him about getting in on dvd.

(.577 member)
10/08/08 06:25 AM
Re: Your next Big Hunt/Safari?? Where, When??

I was curious..as I met 5 of their PH's where I was there in June...

thanks--you will have a blast..no pun intended..


(.416 member)
10/08/08 11:21 AM
Re: Your next Big Hunt/Safari?? Where, When??


Your knee has hope!
I'm currently recovering from knee surgery.
Part of the process was repair to the cartilage, along with a ligament replacement.

Ann said:

I found out the cartilage on one of my knees is gone. Not sure that can even be fixed? It sure hurts.

I'm not sure what other procedures there are or exactly what your diagnosis is, but for me they went in with punches and hammers, 'microfracturing' the faces of the bone. This instigates new cartilage growth.

It's not a quick *in there and back into the field* kind of thing, but it's a solution none the less.

PM me if you want and I'll get you contact information for someone to discuss this with, or at least get a referral from.


(.400 member)
10/08/08 05:18 PM
Re: Your next Big Hunt/Safari?? Where, When??

Off to Southern Africa with the whole family on 21/09/08. Will be varminting and hunting Springbok for three days in OFS with Andrew McLaren.


Then off to Limpopo for six days Plains Game hunting, up to Kudu in size. We will be visiting friends near Bulawayo towards the end of the six weeks.

(.224 member)
13/08/08 04:12 PM
Re: Your next Big Hunt/Safari?? Where, When??

hows the load developement for the CZ coming along, toph?

(.224 member)
14/08/08 01:11 PM
Re: Your next Big Hunt/Safari?? Where, When??

First two weeks of September in Zimbabwe's Matetsi Unit Four with PH Mark Dewet. Going for buffalo, zebra, hyena, and warthog. Can't wait!

(.224 member)
14/08/08 01:39 PM
Re: Your next Big Hunt/Safari?? Where, When??

Cameroon. 2010. Unguided. Just me, my rifle, and a dozen or so pygmy porters on a foot safari. And a very good friend to share it with.

"Chasse libre," or "free hunting" as they call it in the former French colonies of Africa, before I'm too old to do it.

(.300 member)
14/08/08 11:51 PM
Re: Your next Big Hunt/Safari?? Where, When??

We were planning a July 2009 hunt in Zimbabwe but now I'm waiting on final pricing for a Caprivi Strip buffalo hunt in Namibia. We will be going buff hunting somewhere in July 2009.

(.416 member)
15/08/08 04:03 AM
Re: Your next Big Hunt/Safari?? Where, When??


Cameroon. 2010. Unguided. Just me, my rifle, and a dozen or so pygmy porters on a foot safari. And a very good friend to share it with.

"Chasse libre," or "free hunting" as they call it in the former French colonies of Africa, before I'm too old to do it.

Sounds like an excellent plan. A lot of guys dream of it, but few actually end up doing it for real.

Could you fill us in in more detail about where in Cameroon you will be going?

I presume since you mention pygmy porters, it will be a jungle hunt for forest elephant, bongo etc, and not in one of the northern chasse libre concessions?

Don't forgot a good stock of Cipro, Flagyl or similar for the inevitable stomach troubles when eating together with locals every day far away from civilization. Been there done that, and Giardia over and over again isn't much fun...

I'm pretty sure a lot of us would enjoy hearing a bit about your planning up till you leave. How long you'll be gone, what you'll bring with you from the US, what you plan to buy in Cameroon, gear, guns etc.

(.375 member)
15/08/08 07:20 AM
Re: Your next Big Hunt/Safari?? Where, When??

Leaving on Oct. 26th - Zim - Doma - with PH gordon Duncan for "mountain" buffalo and season left-overs.

(.450 member)
15/08/08 10:28 AM
Re: Your next Big Hunt/Safari?? Where, When??

This will be my last post for a while. I leave for the Caprivi Strip for my Cape Buffalo hunt tomorrow morning at 6:00. Stay well everyone.

(.416 member)
15/08/08 05:44 PM
Re: Your next Big Hunt/Safari?? Where, When??

Have a great trip Mike!

(.400 member)
15/08/08 05:55 PM
Re: Your next Big Hunt/Safari?? Where, When??

Mike, we expect lots of pictures!

Have a great trip!!

(.700 member)
16/08/08 12:37 AM
Re: Your next Big Hunt/Safari?? Where, When??


This will be my last post for a while. I leave for the Caprivi Strip for my Cape Buffalo hunt tomorrow morning at 6:00. Stay well everyone.


Have a great time. Fantastic, the Caprivi Strip and Cape Buffalo!

Looking forward to the stories and photos.

(.416 member)
16/08/08 01:53 AM
Re: Your next Big Hunt/Safari?? Where, When??

I consider to hunt in 2009 partly with Jaco for Nyala and Kudu, the other leg of the safari with Buzz Charlton for elephant again, with bow and arrow of course, but with a better preparation. Luc will tag along for hippo and croc.

(.224 member)
19/08/08 10:17 PM
Re: Your next Big Hunt/Safari?? Where, When??

I just returned from South Africa yesterday from a Safari/Tour with my wife, son and daughter. I just wanted to offer a few words of warning to anyone flying South African Airlines.

While checking in the firearms and luggage at the SAA counter for the trip home, the woman told me that ammunition was not allowed in checked baggage. I told her that it WAS allowed as long as it was boxed and I showed her the SAA policy which I carry with me. I also told her that this was the same way I carried it in May when I was there, and also the same way I brought the ammo to Africa, and had no problems. She discussed it with her fellow workers in their native tongue and told me that I was wrong. I then pointed out the sign attached to the check-in counter which said that ammunition WAS allowed in checked baggage as long as it was boxed. She then told me to take it to the SAPS firearm office and ask them about it while they cleared my rifles.

When I went to the firearms office, they told me the same thing as the lady at the counter. They then said that it would be O.K. to put the ammo in the cases with my rifles, which I knew was clearly wrong. I then pulled out my ammunition which was in a hard, plastic box inside my luggage and they said I should just check the box. Thankfully, I had the key to the locks with me and just checked the box.

This was a frustrating end to a fantastic trip. It's a shame that the incompetency in Africa is so prevalent. Trust me, none of those employees are in danger of losing their jobs.

I really am not crazy about flying SAA anymore, but unfortunately, leaving from Detroit, it is the quickest way to get to South Africa.


(.577 member)
19/08/08 11:20 PM
Re: Your next Big Hunt/Safari?? Where, When??


Unfortunatley, what you just described seems to be very indicative of the employee status of the Joburg airport employees in general. When I went this year, my guns sat in Joburg for 5 flights,..no one giving it a thought that "hey, maybe we should send those along with the flight to Harare"..finally, I emailed my travel agent in Texas who emailed their contact in Joburg who drove to the airport...there sat my guns...when he questioned the staff..they said.."yeah, we were going to get to it today" ....wow...

When returning, I got to the Delta Check-in...I was 5th in line...had 3 hours and 45 minutes till my next flight...2 hours and 35 minutes later--they had me checked in...amazing...most disorganinzed airport I have ever been too, period...and they are hosting the World Soccer games in 2010...they are going to need to make HUGE improvements to pull that one off...


20/08/08 08:26 PM
Re: Your next Big Hunt/Safari?? Where, When??

im going in a few hours to the airport, tomorrow morning i will be in it, have fun y'all see you in a week.

best regards


(.375 member)
20/08/08 08:48 PM
Re: Your next Big Hunt/Safari?? Where, When??

Break a leg - have a good one!

(.400 member)
21/08/08 05:03 PM
Re: Your next Big Hunt/Safari?? Where, When??


Break a leg - have a good one!

Do you know something we don't know, 93mouse? We usually reserve that salute for thespians. Strangely, since 'Born Free' and Animal Liberation, actors don't seem to have the same interest in hunting safaris they had in the '30s and '50s. I can't see Brad Pitt getting into it, for one thing.

Weidmansheil to you both

- Paul

(.450 member)
29/08/08 07:18 AM
Re: Your next Big Hunt/Safari?? Where, When??

Well, I made it back from the Caprivi late last night. I hunted with Classic Safaris. It was a 7 day hunt for Cape Buffalo, and I was fortunate enought to take a very old bull - 35" spread and knarley 15 1/2" bosses. A very nice bull indeed. I also managed to take a Burchell Zebra stallion with no shadow stripes.

(.375 member)
29/08/08 08:48 AM
Re: Your next Big Hunt/Safari?? Where, When??

I leave in the morning for Zimbabwe, catch my flight out of Nashville. Headed to Sapi and Humani for cape buffalo, hippo, and plains game. Thanks you all the help and encourement. This is my first trip, and first time flying. I will be back the 12th and will post pics then. Blessings.....Max

(.400 member)
29/08/08 09:38 AM
Re: Your next Big Hunt/Safari?? Where, When??


Super hunt!! Congratulations!!

When you are ready we would all love to hear it and enjoy all your pictures!!

Yup,the next best thing to being there--

(.300 member)
29/08/08 10:01 AM
Re: Your next Big Hunt/Safari?? Where, When??

We're leaving for Tanzania on Sept 7th and I can't wait! My son has only one more semester before college graduation and he's taking this semester off so we can make this trip. We'll be in the Selous hunting for lion, elephant, buffaloes, leopard, kudu, eland, hippo, crocs, zebras, ect. We'll be with Luke Samaras Safaris and our PH will be Leon Kechenhoffer(sp?). I started packing a couple of days ago and things are just about ready. See ya in back here in October!

(.224 member)
29/08/08 12:21 PM
Re: Your next Big Hunt/Safari?? Where, When??



I'm sure you had a great hunt and sounds like a great trophy.

Who did you end up hunting with?

(.450 member)
29/08/08 12:35 PM
Re: Your next Big Hunt/Safari?? Where, When??




I'm sure you had a great hunt and sounds like a great trophy.

Who did you end up hunting with?

My P.H. was Dries Alberts, and, yes it was a great hunt. The approach, and stalk, to get into position for the shot, took 5 hous of crawling on our hands and knees through the waist high grass along the Chobe River. It was truely a hunt to remember.

(.375 member)
29/08/08 05:46 PM
Re: Your next Big Hunt/Safari?? Where, When??



Break a leg - have a good one!

Do you know something we don't know, 93mouse? We usually reserve that salute for thespians. Strangely, since 'Born Free' and Animal Liberation, actors don't seem to have the same interest in hunting safaris they had in the '30s and '50s. I can't see Brad Pitt getting into it, for one thing.

Weidmansheil to you both

- Paul

Thanks Paul - Peter is going scot-free allready I guess
not that I know anything - BUT - as anyone that has spent a fair amount in the bush I couldn't resist to become (reasonably ) superstitious - also old folks here say - "if you meet a priest or a nun or an old woman prior the hunt, you can as well turn back, because nothing is going to show up this time " ...it is also a matter of bad luck wishing someone a good luck prior the hunt here - so we usually wish ourselves a "good view" & "barrels straight" (not sure if it helps either tho )

(.400 member)
29/08/08 05:57 PM
Re: Your next Big Hunt/Safari?? Where, When??

25th Sept, 2 weeks in SA, hippo, croc and plains game,fishing and some bird shooting, will try and post some pics on return, best, Mike

30/08/08 04:07 AM
Re: Your next Big Hunt/Safari?? Where, When??




Break a leg - have a good one!

Do you know something we don't know, 93mouse? We usually reserve that salute for thespians. Strangely, since 'Born Free' and Animal Liberation, actors don't seem to have the same interest in hunting safaris they had in the '30s and '50s. I can't see Brad Pitt getting into it, for one thing.

Weidmansheil to you both

- Paul

Thanks Paul - Peter is going scot-free allready I guess
not that I know anything - BUT - as anyone that has spent a fair amount in the bush I couldn't resist to become (reasonably ) superstitious - also old folks here say - "if you meet a priest or a nun or an old woman prior the hunt, you can as well turn back, because nothing is going to show up this time " ...it is also a matter of bad luck wishing someone a good luck prior the hunt here - so we usually wish ourselves a "good view" & "barrels straight" (not sure if it helps either tho )

thanks for the well wishes mouse, they must have worked since i came back in one piece.
and got a new passion to persur for the reminder of my days

best regards


(.400 member)
31/08/08 03:50 PM
Re: Your next Big Hunt/Safari?? Where, When??

Sorry Peter,
I should have edited the quote. 'Break a leg' is what actors say to each other before going on stage. Somehow that means Good Luck!, as you know.

But supersticion is big whith them, too. What they are not supposed to mention is 'Macbeth', which they refer to as 'the Scottish play'.

(.375 member)
03/09/08 01:04 PM
Re: Your next Big Hunt/Safari?? Where, When??

I leave September 28th for a five tuskles and one trophy bull elephant hunt. Thee tuskless in Chewore South and two more plus the bull in Makuti. Also a bushbuck in Chwore and a leopard in Makuti. Only 17 days to get it all done because of a must make business engagement on the 21st Oct.

Hard work, long hours and lots of walking coming.

Can't wait,


(.577 member)
03/09/08 09:27 PM
Re: Your next Big Hunt/Safari?? Where, When??

I hear there are a lot of tuskless in south Chewore---and they are quite "cheeky"...it is a wild area---you will have lots of fun..that is the area I plan to go to in 2010..


(.375 member)
04/09/08 12:32 AM
Re: Your next Big Hunt/Safari?? Where, When??


I hear there are a lot of tuskless in south Chewore---and they are quite "cheeky"...it is a wild area---you will have lots of fun..that is the area I plan to go to in 2010..


I have been fortunate enough to hunt Chewore South for a combined 34 days. And fortunate enough to have taken four tuskless there, as well as four buff, a hyhena, a nice bushbuck, a zebra, a klipspringer (with my big bore double rifle!), and a whole bunch of impala for leopard bait. Hunted for a trophy bull elephant, a lion and the leopard, but struck out on those.

OzHunter has also hunted Chewore South several times and the week following my departure one year, he killed a very nice lion (my lion? ) after tracking it! He has also taken a klipsringer with a big bore double, I think in Chewore, but I'm not sure.


(.577 member)
04/09/08 02:14 AM
Re: Your next Big Hunt/Safari?? Where, When??



I hear there are a lot of tuskless in south Chewore---and they are quite "cheeky"...it is a wild area---you will have lots of fun..that is the area I plan to go to in 2010..


I have been fortunate enough to hunt Chewore South for a combined 34 days. And fortunate enough to have taken four tuskless there, as well as four buff, a hyhena, a nice bushbuck, a zebra, a klipspringer (with my big bore double rifle!), and a whole bunch of impala for leopard bait. Hunted for a trophy bull elephant, a lion and the leopard, but struck out on those.

OzHunter has also hunted Chewore South several times and the week following my departure one year, he killed a very nice lion (my lion? ) after tracking it! He has also taken a klipsringer with a big bore double, I think in Chewore, but I'm not sure.


My trip earlier this year was in Chewore North--lots of elephant there as well ...]

I would guess with over a month of hunting in the area you have a pretty good feel of it...which is why you probably keep going back..really enjoyed it as well...don't think a day passes where I don't think of it at least a few times per day..

What you using for a double as in caliber? Plan to take my .470 along when I head back ..or still looking for a 500 of one sort or another...but keep coming up with real estate deals so....

Hope you have a great hunt...and hope to see your photos when you return..

Good luck and be safe..


(.375 member)
04/09/08 03:27 AM
Re: Your next Big Hunt/Safari?? Where, When??


Thanks for the wishes.

Chewore is a special place. I've hunted several different areas in Zim and Chewore is far and away my favorite. One evening as dusk approached, we watched about 300 elephants, bulls, cows, half growns and calves, come to the junction of the Chewore River and (?brain cramp?) River to drink where Dande North, Chewore South and Mana Pools or Sapi abutt. Quite a spectacle!!! IIRC we lost count at about 250, with elephants still pouring out of Chewore and Dande. Watched lions while standing there too.

I know OzHunter is fond of Chewore too, as well he should be!

My double rifle is a Marcel Thys sidelock in the odd for a double 458wm. But it works flawlessly and has proven itself on more than a couple of occasions. I keep thinking 500, but really, a 450 or 470 class rifle is enough. The PH I have hunted with most uses a 470 and loves it.


(.700 member)
04/09/08 09:18 PM
Re: Your next Big Hunt/Safari?? Where, When??

Almost got to go and hunt water buffalo in a weeks time in an unexpected break to the "drought". Unfortunately one appointment that week meant I could not take up the fill in hunt.

(.577 member)
05/09/08 04:50 AM
Re: Your next Big Hunt/Safari?? Where, When??

Not sure if you ever watch "Tracks Across Africa" on the outdoor channel--but if you do you might find it interesting to watch this weeks show...they are hunting in "our" favorite area...elephant as well...little surprise in that they harvest 2 elephants this week..unfortunatly one was a cow that, even after shouting and throwing items at her, put her head down and on she come..the other was a very, very nice bull...

Think most would enjoy watching it...Big Max is over there right now chasing buff as well speak..along with Hippo

Take care and again, good luck on your hunt......


(.375 member)
06/09/08 03:02 AM
Re: Your next Big Hunt/Safari?? Where, When??


I swapped posts on another forum with the hunter in the TV show. IIRC, the elephant bull went 56lbs or so, very nice.

Last I heard from Biggmaxx, he was switched to Sapi. I've never hunted Sapi.


(.577 member)
08/09/08 03:05 AM
Re: Your next Big Hunt/Safari?? Where, When??


Yes that is a very nice bull..especially for today...

And you are right, BigMax did get moved to Sapi...hope all is working out well for him..I am guessing by now he is heading back home...looking forward to photos..


08/09/08 08:59 AM
Re: Your next Big Hunt/Safari?? Where, When??


Last I heard from Biggmaxx, he was switched to Sapi. I've never hunted Sapi.


Why did he get switched?

(.577 member)
08/09/08 11:29 AM
Re: Your next Big Hunt/Safari?? Where, When??



Last I heard from Biggmaxx, he was switched to Sapi. I've never hunted Sapi.


Why did he get switched?


BigMax and I probably have 100 plus emails between us in preparing for his trip..it seems there was some issue with PH's, etc.. so they stated he would be hunting Sapi..I told him I would make more of an inquiry as this is not the norm nor is this what he originally booked..he did and when he responded to me he felt comfortable with the response from both the booking agent and PH..

Man, for his sake, I really hope all went really well...this was his first Safari..actually been thinking of him every day wondering what's going on...


(.375 member)
08/09/08 01:06 PM
Re: Your next Big Hunt/Safari?? Where, When??

Why did he get switched? My take is that RWS is falling apart at the seams with Sarah and Guy aassuming more day to day control. Neither has their s--t together organizationally, and, unlike Roger, they won't turn over that side of the responsibility to those at RWS who do. I wouldn't trust either as far as I can spit either, (unlike Roger), but I think the concession changes were a result of piss poor organization and planning in this case, no bait and switch.

For Big Max, first it was Chewore, "buff heaven", then Nyakasanga, also good, and then Sapi, which is good if the PH knows where the springs are (aka has hunted there extensively). His PH was suposed to be Collin Van Der Linden, who knows Sapi, or so I've been told by fellows who know him. But his PH was changed last minute because Collin had to be home for a family issue, or so Big Max was told. I know Collin, and most other RWS PH's, but I didn't recognize the name of the PH "finally" assigned.

The Sapi change and the final PH change were just weeks from the hunt, so I suggested to Big Maxx that he just let them ride. Hope it was good advice.

I sure as hell hope all works out for Big Maxx.


(.400 member)
08/09/08 06:02 PM
Re: Your next Big Hunt/Safari?? Where, When??

He would be hard pressed not to enjoy himself anywhere at that part of the Zambezi as you know..

(.375 member)
08/09/08 09:14 PM
Re: Your next Big Hunt/Safari?? Where, When??

OzHunter, What you say is very true. But I was told that Sapi, unless the PH has the numbers for springs in the jess, can be a very difficult buff hunt. This concerns me "on Max's behalf." What would only make a second or third buff hunt all the more challenging and rewarding might be a bit daunting to a new fellow, especially if you're not seeing many buff.

Also, I would enjoy a difficult hunt with a PH I had confidence in and a good time with, and I have. Collin is a very good PH and a heck of a nice fellow, if you haven't had the chance to meeet him (I haven't hunted with him, but Pete Wood and Rich Tabor speak highly of him as a PH.) And I passed on a good word for Collin, as did others, so Max was looking forward to hunting with Collin. But Collin was changed out last minute for "Gary Farser" as Max typed it. Not too sure it isn't supposed to be Gary Fraiser, which rings a bell somehow. Are you familiar with either name?

Also, too all.

Sorry for the bit of vitriol regarding Guy and Sarah Whittall, but my mounting experience with the two of them informs me that they are examples of acorns that fell far from the tree. Some results of their shananigans in their dealings with me, intentional or not, could be fixed with mere money, some couldn't be fixed.


(.400 member)
08/09/08 11:45 PM
Re: Your next Big Hunt/Safari?? Where, When??

PM sent

(.375 member)
13/09/08 10:21 AM
Re: Your next Big Hunt/Safari?? Where, When??

Hey Guys, just back from Zimbabwe. Great hunt! Got my daggaboy and went down to the Zambezi and got a big bull hippo on land out on one of the islands. I got my kudu, wildebeast, warthog, zebra stallion, and two impala at Humani. I got one impala for camp meat at the Chewore River. I was in a bush camp that was set up two days before I got there. No electricity or generator, really wild Africa. Then went to Humani to Turgwi River Camp for the plains game. I had a great time, tsetse bites thorns and all. Thanks to you guys I had the right equiptment and general knowledge to make it a great hunt. As soon as I get caught up a little I will post pics. -Max

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