(.450 member)
16/03/08 03:20 AM
Re: Best bang for the $$$ barrel for a Ruger M77 conversion?

Not sure if this was really covered before, but is the .300 Win REALLY a switch barrel-only conversion to .300 H&H or is there any action/rail/mag lip work that needs to be done to get the H&H to feed from a gun originally made for .300 Win??

BTW, Woodbeef, if you want a front sight on this rifle, Ruger told me they no longer make sights for the bolt guns...but...you can order a No.1 sight for A thru D barrel dimensions. IMO the ruger front sight base/band is a nice one and they are cheap from Ruger, about $35.00. Just make sure to have your barrel turned to a dimension that fits one of the stock sight band ID's.

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