I read in a Norwegian magazine about a PH in botswana who had used a Oberndorf Mauser 98 i 9.3x62 . He was issued a .458 , but it dint behave so good as the slick little 9.3. Besides he said in that article that the bullet he preferred for lionculling, was :" that Swedish one with the yellow tip" Norma Silverblixt in other words, I know that this particular bullet is popular for driven hunts in various calibers. And some PH`s in Zimbabwe i hev corresponded with likes the Woodleigh bullets for their various hunting so since im planning alittle trip to Zim, not exactly a hunting trip but to go down there andand see how the PH`s train before there exam at Rifa. Minimum rifle there is 9.3x62 due to that the big game can turn up very unexpecdtly .... And at that point you cant have a .300 Win mag with you.... |