(.333 member)
07/01/07 03:27 AM
Re: Opinions on Current Production Bolt Guns

I stick with Model 70s. Even with just the 'Classic' version, USRAC produced about 400,000 copies, so there are plenty of them to go around, and they tend to wear out very slowly, with many of them never being so much as fired outside of factory proof-tesing. There were over 581,000 pre-64s produced, and well over a million push-feed Model 70s produced. So these aren't rare guns, and they're out there, waiting to be used. All you have to do is become resourceful enough to find them. Aftermarket replacement parts are also readily obtainable.

Plus, I think that in the not-too-dstance future Browning (via FN) will be producing the Model 70 once again, and it's quite possible that it'll be an even better rifle than the USRAC product was.

They're hard at it right now, in fact, turning out innovative new guns wearing the Winchester logo, and I believe they're just getting warmed up:

Other than that, there's Ruger, Sako, Weatherby, and Kimber, and for the most part, they're good rifles. Older Remington 700s (built through the late 1980s) are also extremely good, and there are hundreds of thousands of them on the secondary market, many of them little-used, and in mint condition.

For my own use, though, I'm a model 70 man for life.........


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