(.333 member)
09/12/06 02:57 AM
Re: 325 wsm

My favorite local country gun store sells a lot of firearms, and the owner recently told me that as of 2006, the 325 WSM has emerged as his biggest-selling elk-oriented rifle chambering. Mostly he deals in Kimbers and Browning A-Bolts in that caliber. From what I hear, results on elk has been very good, approximating the performance of a 300 Win. Mag. or 338 Win. Mag. The only issue I've heard about that's gotten in the way of complete satisfaction has been bullet performance, with certain projectiles, such as the Nosler AccuBond, coming apart on occasion.

I've found that any good elk caliber works very well on all sizes of African plainsgame, so in my view the 325 WSM should be ideal for that purpose, just as long as you feed it good bullets.

One of my firneds shot a big grizzly up in Alaska with a Kimber in 325 WSM, and that bear dropped hard right in his tracks and didn't go anywhere.

If I latch onto a 325, and I just might, I'm going with a Kimber 8400 Montana. It's the perfect rifle for any WSM............


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