(.275 member)
14/11/06 05:22 AM
Re: 325 wsm

I know that it has been proven that the shorter the powder column, the better the round seems to do, but for the life of me, I just cannot see what the fuss is about...we got the WSM and the WSSM sometimes in the same caliber, what the heck...and the 325 is as useful as tits on a boar hog...what can it do that the 338 cannot or the 300 Man with heavy bullets or the 375 H&H....they keep having to bring out new calibers to prompt buyers into buying guns instead of just making the guns better and the ammo better...just a passing thing, like the RUM's , what do they really do better except more velocity and recoil...not much else...

Get a good 338 and forget the 325...if you cannot carry your rifle in elk country, time to hunt the flat land or give it up..

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