In regards the heavier bullet loading for the 7x57/7mm Mauser/.275 cartridges, there is some confusion in this area too. Bell and Corbett were great exponents of the .275 cartridge in what ever moniker it may have been and in both their cases it is often said they used the 175gr bullet. Kynoch however used 173gr bullets in their heavy 7mm loading. Most of the German loadings were probably with the 175gr bullet but I would have thought Bell at least would have been using Kynoch ammunition. I think even he himself mentions somewhere in his writing his 7mm rifle ammunition with 175gr bullets.
Bell at least wrote he used German DWM, Karlsruhe, “solids” exclusively in his 7x57/ .275 Rigby elephant rifle that “was never polluted with a soft nose bullet”. DWM listed this old load with a 11.2 g = 173 gr bullet and 2,4 g = 37 gr R5 powder for a mv of 700 m/s = 2300 fps from a 65 cm = 25.6” barrel.