PS: If anybody of you is interested in a roe deer hunt in Bavaria/Germany this year, please send me a PM.
I really wish. Somehow I think I will be locked in Stalag Australia another year or two.
Other than your .22/250, what would you say is the ideal cartridge for Roebuck?
My one and only roe, a female, was shot in Denmark with a .222.
I hunted Roebuck one weekend in Northumberland in the UK with a .243. only sighting shots fired.
I have admired the Norwegian Roebuck which looked larger than more Southern species.
My first use of a double rifle was a .22 Mag RF over a 5.6x50 mm Rimmed Frankonia double rifle. The German owner brought it over to Australia, but had used in for roe and other game.
I would think the 220Swift and .243W would be excellent along with others you already mentioned... 222 and 223..