Makes all my CF rifles look like overgrown clubs.
Sigh. Okay, I won't try to dispute that it's probably an excellent performer. Science marches on, yadda, yadda... But why does high-tech have to mean butt ugly, "'75 Corvette with Rosy O'Donnell behind the wheel in a tank-top and army boots" butt ugly? Just because it's got to have a cutting-edge polymer stock, why can't it be nicely styled, instead of trying to look like Darth Vader's toilet bowl brush? Helically-fluted bolts are the firearms' equivalent to Hollywood pipes, and will somebody please, please explain to me the functionality of the current fad, square trigger guards on rifles? They belong on assault rifles and machine guns. I wish once, just once, when one of these kids designs yet another gee-whiz, super-duper new and improved rifle, he would show some respect for the history that got him here and try to design it to be something someone would be proud to carry to the range or in the field, without looking like he belongs in one of those iditotic Huskemaw "tactical hunter" commercials.
There will now be a pause while I wipe the foam away from the corners of my mouth...
I am glad someone else had similar thoughts to me. My were "Ugly". On relooking at it, "So Ugly I would leave it lie on the ground, even if it was fully loaded, in a Zombie epidemic and all I had otherwise was a sharp twig."
Do they purposefully make them look so ugly?
But it is a Savage after all. After all who needs a club to whack people on the head with, when one has a Savage rifle!
I don't bother wiping away my froth. I let it collect in my beard like drool.