Like the Blaser, the Semprio has a very tight radius pistol grip. In a large caliber, this will be a fine and utterly painful knuckle buster. These funky new designers of these uncomfortable hard kicking large caliber stocks would do well to wake up and pay attention to the old British masters of “proper” stock design like H&H, WR, etc, and open up that pistol grip radius so one can actually comfortably fire the bloody things.
The worst tight grip "knuckle buster" I have experienced was the old Steyr-Mannlicher "Professional" (The one with the plastic stock). In a relatively mild recoiling caliber like 30-06 it would really rap your knuckles with every shot. I had a couple, but the "knuckle busting," plus the "unbreakable" magazine (i.e. very breakable if dropped when filled with ammunition) was reason enough to get rid of both of them.
I wouldn't mind seeing at least a few modern bolt action rifles offered with a totally straight grip.