My bro shot a 10 year old bull bison with his Sharps, using a 500gr. RN (Lyman #457125) with a black powder duplication load producing 1,240fps, iirc. Imagine that - killed 'im. It was close to, perhaps over 2,000pounds on the hoof. Domestic bulls, raised in captivity have a propensity for getting very large. I will find out from Taylor what it actually weighted. Acordiing to Wikipedia, "typical weight ranges in the species were reported as 460 to 988 kg (1,014 to 2,178 lb) in males and 360 to 544 kg (794 to 1,199 lb) in females. When raised in captivity and farmed for meat, the bison can grow unnaturally heavy and the largest semidomestic bison weighed 1,724 kg (3,801 lb)"