...ask yourself this. If a licensed shooter can't own an AR15 for use in International competitions like IPSC and Service rifle matches under the same legislation and conditions as they can a Handgun....
Why the ffff are you asking ME that? I don't fffing set the laws.
Loads of hot air loud mouth sprouting off on gun forums doesn't achieve anything. Actually working for improvements in the outside world, in poliics, giving money for political movements, active in the media etc does.
Talking on gun forums to the converted is just another way of getting superficial satisfaction and achieving nothing.
then how long will we still own and shoot handguns?
You tell me, you are such an expert on everything.
But no kiddig, the anits use the "death by a thousand cuts" to remove all sorts of freedoms. They've been after handguns for the last twenty years.
All we would need is a nutter going on a ramage with a "high capacity" ten shot magazine "semi-auto" 9mm and we would probably loose them all too.
The reasons we need to be smart and effective in our politics. Be pro-active and achieve gains. And not infight and have disunity.
{Edited this post to re-write it.}
John I think you opened the door for this type of response with what you said about those who want to own AR15's. Not all are mad wannabe's. To me Rod is asking you to think about where we are going and not to be dis-unified as you appear to be with your comments about AR15 owners.
Anyhow I know Rod and know he has done a lot over the years to fight for LAFO. I don't think he is having a go at you for standing for election. More saying to all to be careful who you vote for. Look at where their preferences are going.
Spot on Greg. And I had NO idea that NitroX had ever stood for election.
Cheers Rod