Lots of swedes have used the 6,5x55 for moose. I have often wondered how long the moose ran before dropping.
This listing has been kicked around for many years. Not sure the original source of it.
I have never killed a moose but if interpolating results on elk and deer mean anything, I see no reason to doubt its accuracy.
I have seen that list and somehow it doesn`t make sence intirely..
I've killed elk with the .375 H&H Mag, .30-06, 9.3x57, 6.5x55, 7x57 and .264 Win Mag and deer with many calibers from 6.5x55 to .375. To be honest, I can't say I've seen a significant difference between any of them. Hit right they drop or run a bit. Hit badly and they run a lot.
Years ago Finn Aagaard stated that he couldn't see much difference on medium game shot with the .375 and other common smaller calibers {.270, .30-06, etc}. He had vastly more experience than me, but I don't have any experience that would call his judgment on that score into question.
And here it is.. "Hit right they drop or run a bit. Hit badly and they run a lot."- weird..:)
I have often questioned the guy who says, "Man, I hit that elk solid, 3 times, right through the lungs".. To that, I say BULL shit!!! IF you truly hit it through the lungs, that elk would be in your freezer right now..but instead the rifle, caliber, wind, scope, whatever gets the blame..OR, maybe elk have 3 lungs???