Got reply number 1 from the tooth pulling process many of these companies have for potential customer enquiries ... Asked the question: Q1 Will the Colombian Police Mauser 98 potentially an FN Mauser fit into the stocks? YES. Q2. Will .30-06 Cartridges feed through the magazine? NO ANSWER. Q3. Can you export to Australia? If not I can probably supply a USA address for sending. WE CAN NOT EXPORT OUTSIDE OF THE USA. I think when seeing it was outside of the USA, the lights turned off, the brain sqitched off ... and any additional thought to the answer for Q2 was forgotten. Maybe the answer is NO. ? I have re-emailed the questions, asking them to answer them fully. Plus added a couple more ... Q. Will the action feed .308 cartridges? Q. Are there any future plans to make stocks for the Swedish Mauser M96? CONMMENT: I can probably supply a USA address for you to send to. (ie HINT HINT, you might actually make a sale ... ) I hope the answerers brain isn't too taxed by all these multitudes of questions ... Usually I number my questions, ie Q1, Q2, etc. I am amazed how so few of the "help desk" or customer enquiries staff never answer in the same manner ... |