On one African strip, his wife Elennor O. shot something like 28 head of game with 29 shots using a 7x57 Mauser - 175's I think - - Why-The-Hell couldn't Jack do that?
Actually it was 17 head of game Jack's wife Eleanor shot on safari in Mozambique using 19 shots. All bar the big bull Kudu were one shot kills, the Kudu was heart shot with the first and she hit it twice more to prevent it running too far, She used handloads in her 7x57, 52.0gr 4831 and 160 gr Sierras for a velocity of around 2700fps. She did pretty well for a supposed alcoholic.
Jack used a great variety of rifles for his African safaris from a 257 Weatherby Magnum, 270 Win, 7mm Rem Mag, couple of 30.06s, 300 Weatherby Mag, 338 Win Mag, 375 H&H, 416 Rigby and a 450 Watts. He did quite a few safaris in various localities in Africa and shot a big variety of game. To those doubters, until you duplicate or better what he achieved you are hardly in a position to call into question his knowledge and abilities.
There ya go - guess I should have looked it up.
As to Jack's abilities - 3.8 shots average to kill a sinking moose says a lot about that subject.
IMHO, honestly if the above comment is correct and it is taking you nearly 4 shots to kill animals on average you suck as a rifleman, period....
He did not seem to have any trouble shooting his animals in Africa so can't see why he would be any different when shooting in the States. He certainly was successful on long range shooting of sheep/goats in America. Perhaps he was more honest than others on how many shots some animals took to get down. Those of us who shoot under a variety of conditions soon learn that. Averaging shots on animals is not really a good indication unless one was confined to always shooting from a stand at fairly close range standing animals where you would expect a fairly good kill ratio. Try introducing mountain shooting, night shooting, running animals, bush shooting, etc, then it only takes a magazine full to anchor one animal to blow an average of one shot per animal, depending on number of animals in the average of course.
I don't personally care how many shots it takes for someone to get an animal down in terms of statistics. A bit like winning a golf match by just one stroke, you are the winner all others are losers. You get an animal on a hunt where it might take you a few shots you win, you come home empty handed you lose. We're not all perfect.