For those fellow odd-balls that like the 9.3X57 Mauser ("36 Swede") you may find this interesting. This is the final update before I hunt with this rifle (I think) From my new 9.3X57 Mauser. I am full of praise for Nosler Accu-Bond 9.3MM 250 grain bullets, and also for ER Shaw barrels. This handy short rifle is very accurate. Mauser Reliable. It's going to be a wonderful little hunting rifle I am sure. I loaded some ammo with PPU 8X57 brass necked up to 9.3MM and 49.2 gr of RL15. CCI Primer, and the above named bullets. I got two 3 shot sub-MOA groups with one being under 1/2 MOA. I am VERY pleased. I will chronograph the bullets soon and see how fast they are. I did re-size some Speer 235 grain 375" bullet to 366" and tried them with loads of 4895 but the best I could get was 2.75" I also used some Speer 270 grain bullets with 4895 and I never got under 1.8" I will probably try some of these with RL-15 and see if they tighten up. In my Ruger #1 9.3X74R these bullets cut a ragged hole, so they have the potential to be super accurate, but in my new 9.3X57 I have not hit the magic load with them yet. I e-mailed Nosler about more of them, and here is a copy and paste of their reply: Steve, While we have not discontinued these bullets, we run them very infrequently (about once every 2-3 years). Looking at our latest production schedule we are slated to run them again in Q1 of 2018 if all goes to plan. Best regards, Nosler Inc. ______________________________ So if you want to buy some you'd best get them this spring or you may end up waiting another 3 years. |