Does anybody have a love affair with a special little .22 rim fire? Many of us here on Nitro Express are hard core big bore double rifle aficionados but I'm willing to bet that there are some of us that get teary eyed and nostalgic every now and then over a beloved .22 rim fire. So, c'mon out of the closet and tel us what turns your crank when not playing with the .700 double!!!! I have a few that I dust off in the middle of the night and lovingly fondle when nobody's watching: An old Ruger 10/22 deluxe, and a Gevarm takedown that fires from an open bolt..... almost a machine gun the gun grabbers wail!!!!!! But I cherish that little thing!!!! A couple of Anschutz, one a model 64 in pimped out Weatherby commissioned wood, and a 1712.......... and a Ruger Mark 1 Target pistol to add to the low cost shooting experience!!!! Rim fires are fun and they remind me of breathing right, trigger control, and life without fire belching heart stopping thunderous reports, and horrendous recoil......... What little gems are you all hiding? |