Bureaucrats and lawyers are poison in every nation. I have seen it so many times . Someone sets a standard because they either think they know what they are doing, or talked to someone they thought knows what he was doing, or in many cases just make it up on the spot. Same with the 6.5 Swede and the 260 Remington. If both have the same action around them why would one be loaded to a lot lower pressure then the other? In the case of White Labs (I believe it was) doing their teats when Kimber brought in a bunch of 96 Mauser actions years ago, they had many of them converted to 22-250. So they had independent tests done and found that lo and behold, the Carl Gustav Swedes were often stronger then the M700 Remington. I guess it us because not all 6.5 Swedes were M96s. not all 45-70s are Marlins or Ruger #1s either, but we see loaded for Marlins and Rugers. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Just as a side note, I just shanked and threaded 3 of the new barrels I got the other day. 2 will be 9.3X57s and others 1 will be 9.3X62. I will also be doing 4 other 9.3X62s in the coming few weeks Seems like the 9.3 has been "discovered" in Wyoming. Please post your loads with American Powders. I find some with Norma powders, but I'd love to see loads with IMR's, Hodgdon's, Winchester's, Alliant's, Ramshot's, and Accurate's powders. |