(.700 member)
07/06/17 02:43 AM
Re: Just Back from Range With New Acquisition

Mike, that is the sight the stock was inlet for, however what was there, is the sporter version, slightly smaller & yes- it is the 98 version. Thus when mounted on the left side, the threaded ghost ring is then bass-ackwards.

While a bit stiff in operation to initially engage, I'm just fine with the safety, though.

It's funny, at the show, some of the guys were complaining about the safety. I told them I was sure it was original.

There were 2 of these pre-war, 30GOVT06 there for sale. The other one was drilled and tapped for a side mount.

Your rifle, Mike, in original condition is very nice. Mine looks as if it just came off the assembly line with a custom finish. The gun smith did a pretty job finishing it & beautiful on the bluing, with no oval-ing of any holes or stamping. A bit of rotten stone will tone it down 'some', but I kind of like it as-is.

1936 eh - well, I like it even more now.

Thanks for the comments, guys.

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