Gabe, call me any time you like. As far as the Rustins Danish Oil, there are a couple of others on the forum who also use it with success. A pain in the arse if you can't get it easily, however if you know some truck drivers they might bring some up for you on one of there long haul trips for a slab. Worth a try. It is very easy to apply, soaks in well and you can work it for a long time before it goes tacky, normally you actually wipe of the excess. The first stock I refinished I used pure tung oil. It is very durable but becomes tacky very quickly and is difficult to work. The Danish oil is very good. I also have some Rustins stain which I intend to try mixing with the Danish oil on some sample pieces, I will report on how it works. There is a seller in Bundaberg who seems to ship, maybe give them a try. http://www.bundykegs.com/index.php/bundy-kegs-store-products/category/view/3 Waidmannsheil. |