(.577 member)
23/08/16 07:06 AM
Re: Bergara Rifles...


The UK mob seem to be less happy with them from some of the reports. I actually thought that they 'look the goods"

Might be penis envy...

Seriously, I dont know enough about them, only from what some have said and what I can find online..David Petzal has nothing but good to say about them and I think he is a pretty square shooter (pun intended)...

I think I am going to take a turn a one and see for myself..the one I found has a factory target with it shooting Winchester factory ammo--3 holes touching at 100 yds... if it can do that with factory ammo I should be good to go..

If I don't like it can always trade it back in or sell it besides I hear there in a guy in Australia looking for one..


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