(.300 member)
18/04/16 11:33 PM
Re: Poor shooting Weatherby, what to do?


I sort of think the rifle should shoot at least 1.5 inches with hand loads after serious development. I tried 12-15 different projectiles, 4-5 proplants, two brands of cases, 3 different primers. I shoot maybe 4000 thousand rounds a year from center fire rifles. I'm not a bench rest shooter but I have a half dozen rifles that will shoot MOA whith the rights loads and me at the trigger.

I appreciate the posts and advice. I think this is my last factory rifle.

Is it worth putting $800-900 into a new barrel? I'm leaning towards a 280 Rem Improved if I do.

I'll let every one know what I end up doing.

I guess if it's a project you want then it's worth whatever it is you're willing to pay. We tend to invest crazy sums in rifle projects at times and in reality, that expenditure is often totally unjustified - but we do it anyway. As interesting as the .280 AI may be, is it worth the cost of the conversion - well only you can judge that? Does the cartridge offer a significant advantage over standard loadings such as the .270 Win,.280 Rem, 7mm Rem Mag and 30-06? I'd have said no. The .280 is a bit slower and the Rem Mag is a bit quicker. If you're using a barrel that's on the short side even those differences become somewhat fuzzy. So at the end of the day you have to decide if 100fps (give or take) over a standard .280 is really worth the additional cost and aggravation. Not to me it wouldn't be but that's just me.

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