(.577 member)
18/04/16 12:21 AM
Re: Poor shooting Weatherby, what to do?


Perhaps I am mistaken as I have never seen an Eastmans Hunting Journal but here in the UK the shooting press is really corrupt and they lie through their back teeth. We see rave reports on the most dire rubbish as they don't want to loose the advertising accounts. So I rarely buy any shootign publications now and believe none until I can verify things for myself............................ which is not often.

agree with the above-have to take most mags with a grain of salt..but Eastmans is a little different that way..I personally have met them and talked with them for years..they are a very solid mag and usually call bs to something that is not worth the article they give the pros and cons of each gun..

I have a gunsmith out of Helena MT that used to do warranty work for weatherby, they commented to me years ago that weatherby's product had a lot to be desired and getting a little worse as time marches on..especially comments on their 9 locking lugs..and how in most guns usually 2 or 3 at most actually locked..the others simply did not for lack of quality control..

If it were me, I would try a new barrel maybe..think its is much easier to start with a simpler action and put a new barrel on it..IMHO

Good Luck


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