(.224 member)
09/12/15 07:16 PM
Re: Norma rifle quality

My brother has Husqvarna 1651 in .358 Norma. He customized it little bit with new McMillan stock and Recknagel scope mount.
.358 Norma is good caliber for big game. Recoil feeling is not bad and bullet availability is good for reloader. My brother uses old Norma factory ammo with Woodleigh and Swift A-frame bullets for hunting. He makes target loads with Hornady Round nose bullets.
Only (mild) concern is long range accuracy. He has not yet found very accurate load/bullet for his rifle. He hunts mostly moose, bear and boar so it is not a problem.
Now Norma offers only Jaktmatch and Oryx. How will Oryx handle the speed of .358 Norma? In .30-06 the 13 gram Oryx is perfect.

There is Schultz & Larsen article in 2015 annual Gun Digest.

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