No the Danish S&H rifles, M60, M65 and M68 were a long way off a Mauser 98 and about 200% better IMO. They are a push feed round tube action with a small opening for cartridges to be ejected. They must be loaded from the bottom of the hinge cover magazine (rifle upside down, cover open and drop in the 3 magnum rounds). Can hold down the cartridges in the mag from the top and chamber a 4th round. The rifles have an excellent side safety on the bolt. The bolt is rear locking with four massive lugs and a short lift to open the bolt and is as smooth as any I have come across. The bolt can be dismantled with a simple hold back of a small protruding pin on the bolt shroud and a twist and the shroud and firing pin come out from the bolt body, making it easy to clean an lube anytime you want. They have one of the best barrels in the business, very accurate and never seemed to foul. The trigger is second to none. No plastic on these guys. Apparently these actions have been tested to over 120,000psi without any problems. I owned and extensively use two S&H rifles, a M60 (cock on closing) and an M65 (cock on opening) in 7x61 S&H. |