(.416 member)
15/11/15 05:26 PM
Re: New Aussie F/Arms accessory manufacturer's web site

G'Day Fella's,

Yumastepside, no offense taken Cobber!

The thing we all need to remember is, that we were all young once, and Fashion and Trends meant everything to us then!
At the moment, we are going thru the latest Fashion Trend and "Tacticool" and being a "Mall Ninja" is all the rage! A lot of the younger (and no shortage older Powder Burners), want to own a M4, SR-25 and M1A/M-14 etc but are not trusted with these firearms in Australia, so enter the next best option!
It's the old "Supply and Demand" of Capitalist Trade at work, and let me tell you, there is no shortage of "Demand" for these GCPD stocks! And as far as I'm concerned, as long as they are LAFO's and especially New to our sport, I'm all for it as they all vote and a lot of them are now members of The Shooters and Fishers Party, in their State/Territory!

The thing that so many people can't appreciate about these particular GCPD stocks, is the quality of their manufacture and finish! They really are a work of Modern Art and Technology, to behold in the hand!
Not only that, have a look at some of the groups these factory Barreled Actions are achieving, with Drop-In fitment!
No Glass Bedding or trigger adjustments and sub-MOA groups, with Factory ammo!!!

The other thing a lot of people need to remember is, we all had to start some where!
To criticize skilled and talented people, that are willing to have a go and put their neck on the chopping block, when you have done nothing but shuffle other people's paper, all of your life, is easy to do!
In my experience, the only thing so many people "Make" in their lives, are Mistakes and Babies and so many of those, were achieved while they were intoxicated on something Legal or otherwise!!!

So, please stay tuned, as you never know (but I do) what else may come out of this Workshop, some time in the future!


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