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11/08/14 02:30 AM
My Mosin Project

I was inspired by the "Worlds Best Mosin" in the classic firearms section, so Ive decided I need my own project. No it wont be cost effective, no I'll never get the money out of it that I put into it; but at this stage in my life Im looking for a bit of panache when I hunt.

So, Im thinking about a couple of builds on Mosin Nagants. I thought I might start out with something like a "Mannlicher" Sporter, (sorry I know I should say Full Stock; but Mannlicher just sounds cool)--not a military full stock; but a true sporter without the top handguard and sporter sights and a 1950/60s period optic, perhaps with a removable cheek piece to match the optic/irons. Oh yes, and with a butterknife bolt handle.

My concept, besides just wanting a cool shooter and a fun project, is something that reminiscent of the post war Gun Guild builds. Im tempted to use a military stock, perhaps adding a "drop" for a semi pistol grip; maybe even done with an extension of the trigger guard reminiscent of muzzle loaders??? . I have a couple military stocks that are surprisingly nice, and I sorta like the way the Finns filled the slots where the dog collar sling looped through and added "conventional" swivels at the same points.

Im tempted to use an octagon barrel for some added flash; but Im not sure how that would look in a full stock. Im also thinking Id like to keep a cut down version of the cleaning rod. Perhaps a matching half stock version, also with an octagon barrel???

Im tempted to go with another caliber, maybe 9.3x54r (not sure if any magazine work is necessary); but part of the reason for doing it, is the cheap surplus, combined with decent sporting ammo for hunting.

Oh, yeah buy my book, so I can keep doing crazy things and join me on the next hunt....
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