(.224 member)
08/08/14 03:13 AM
Re: A MODERN Stalking Rifle


If I was a young fellow I think I'd find a Swedish M96 and build a rifle on it. The 6.5x55 is a perfect cartridge for anything you'd meet in the woods in NZ (or North America, Europe, Australia) where you are not hunting a specifically big animal I.e. bear etc. The small ring intermediate action of the M96 is strong, slim and very smooth. It can be made into a wonderful sporter. I don't have anything against the modern equivalents such as the Remington Model 7 etc. but I like to see folks at least thinking about commissioning a rifle if not "building" it themselves.

I like your way of thinking. It's similar to what I'm currently doing, not that I'm that young anymore.. However I got a Brno SR 98, 6,5x55 and a 60cm LW barrel. Due to being on a student budget at the time I ordered it, it still needs a wooden stock and irons. Also, I might have to find new mounts if the Leu QRs are too tall for irons..

To keep in on topic, I guess 6,5x55 ain't a good choice for short barrels..?

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